TACFORM Transition Field Info (1 per plane). Print out information about the transition
field from the internet (www.monkeyplan.com or www.airnav.com). Make sure to include
ATIS/ASOS/AWOS frequencies as well as tower/Unicom frequencies.
What to Know. Know the FTI and the LL/TF brief. Know the "inadvertent weather
penetration" and "descent to night drop altitude" as if they were memory items. Pay particular
attention to the annex on radio calls as they can be difficult to master.
TACFORM Formation Brief. Use the TACFORM Briefing slides on the computer in the
student lounge and update all appropriate information on the slides. The student giving the brief
will brief from the front of the room using both the slides and the briefing binder. At the
completion of the brief, students will delete their specific information from the slides. If pages
or slides are missing, notify the LL/TF Stage Manager.
When flying the Portland departures for LL routes, all T-44 / TC-12s will transit at 500' AGL (if
operationally feasible) and will fly directly to Portland once cleared for the turn out from NGP
tower. Upon arrival at Portland, fly northwest of Gregory and stay northwest of the road leading
to the Bayside Bridge. T-34s will be conducting low-level operations southeast of the road. In
order to ensure separation, it is imperative you stay to the northwest! As soon as practical, after
takeoff, set VHF on 122.7 (McCampbell Unicom) and UHF on button 13 (once terminated on
button 5) and monitor these frequencies. These are the frequencies the T-34s use in the vicinity
of the airfield. Once you reach the Bayside Bridge you can revert to normal comms.
Monitor button 13 (337.8), T-34 common, for the Delta area (along most of the eastern portion
of the routes you are under/in the Delta area).
For North recoveries, proceed to Mission Bay then to Shamrock. Altitude should be 1000' once
over Mission Bay. Monitor Rockport UNICOM and Delta area common once you are in the
vicinity of Mission Bay. When you are clear of Rockport, switch to McCampbell UNICOM.
Stay north of the red drainage ponds located to the north of McCampbell airfield and announce
your intentions to fly past the airport. T-34s often work near the drainage ponds and also
monitor 122.7.
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