route description for IR 166. Note that NAS Kingsville is the Scheduling Activity for this route.
Coordinates are provided for each point and the corridor width is 5 NM (3 NM from I to J).
Acceptable altitudes during the route are from the surface to 3000 feet MSL. Pay special
attention to the Special Operating Procedures section for any additional restrictions that may
apply. If an appropriate MTR does not exist, a local route may be developed. Local routes are
designed to increase the flexibility of the missions and meet training objectives. They may be
published or unfamiliar routes. Published routes, developed by the stage manager and
distributed to everyone, may be MTRs or locally developed routes. Unfamiliar routes are local
routes designed with the intent of being flown only once and are usually developed by the
student and flown for their checkrides. Weather must be 1500/3 to fly a local route.
Estimate Fuel Required. When selecting a low-level route, consider the total fuel required to
take off, climb to altitude, cruise to the entry or alternate entry point, fly the route(s), climb to
altitude again, cruise to destination IAF, execute a penetration and landing, plus reserve and
required alternate fuel. Estimating the fuel required prior to the actual planning of the low-level
may save you time and effort.
Coordinate and Schedule the Route. When you schedule a route (may not be required for
local routes), tell the scheduler your planned entry and exit times (Z), total time on route,
groundspeed, type aircraft, call sign, and your name and phone number. Once scheduled, you
own the route during that time period, but only during that time period. For example: to
schedule MTRs in the local area, contact Kingsville Base Ops and provide the following
information: route number, time of entry, call sign, exit time, type of aircraft, and PIC. If you
are unable to meet your entry time, you must reschedule by contacting Kingsville Base Ops.
Consult the AP/1B maps to identify crossing routes. It is a good idea to call the schedulers of
crossing routes to check for potential conflicts along your route.
Check the Weather and NOTAMS. A preliminary look at weather and NOTAMs is next.
Give the weather forecaster an accurate description of your proposed route. For day routes, ask
for winds at 500 feet AGL and for night routes, use 1500 feet AGL. Ensure that you are briefed
on the forecast weather for the entire route and divert fields. The minimum weather to fly an IR
or VR route is 3000/5; SR and locally published routes require 1500/3. The weather minimums
for flying night low-levels will be the highest leg altitude plus 500 feet. Check NOTAMS for
arrival and departure airfields.
Choose the Appropriate Chart. The paragraph titled "Choose an MTR" describes different
navigational charts and the features of each. The chart you choose for your LL depends upon the
degree of detail necessary to complete the mission. Different charts will be required for different
types of missions. As a general rule, the greater the altitude, speed and distance of a flight, the
smaller scale of the chart. The type of information needed on the chart may determine the best
chart to use. Some missions may require two or more types of charts. For example, a mission
will typically require a TPC for the route and a JOG for the run-in to provide more detail.
To prevent misunderstandings about references on the chart, ensure all crewmembers use the
same scale chart. Be aware that different charts will show different references for the same
checkpoint (a road "Y" on a TPC may appear as a road "X" on a JOG).
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