10. If you are just updating the CHUM on a previously completed chart, click on the "Specify
Additional Query Criteria" box at the start of the ECHUM web page.
Page down until you get to "Specific Duplication Query".
In this box, place the date of the last CHUM for the chart you are using.
11. If you are chumming a military route (e.g., SR166/ VR151), then from the main page select
your route in the "Select MTR Route" box. Continue as above. You will not have to enter
coordinates for your route.
The second source of CHUM data is provided automatically through the Falconview program.
The computers used to plan a Falconview chart are updated on a regular basis to maintain a
current database of obstructions that would affect the route you are planning.
A third source is from the CHUM books located in the chart locker/ LL TF cabinet. They are
sent to the squadron every six months with smaller, monthly updates. These are the same books
you were exposed to during VNAV ground school.
Completing the Chart. The following items are required on all charts you prepare for LL and
TF stages.
Locate the highest terrain or obstacle within 22 NM of centerline of the entire route of
flight. Mark the obstacle in red ink IAW Figure 1-5. Use this obstacle to calculate the route
ESA (see Section 104).
Locate the highest terrain or obstacle within 5 NM of centerline of each leg of the route.
This includes 5 NM before the first turnpoint to 5 NM after the second turnpoint. Mark these
obstacles in red ink IAW Figure 1-5. Use these obstacles to calculate the MSA for each leg (see
Section 104).
Locate and annotate emergency airfields IAW Figure 1-5.
Draw Course Arrow Boxes (doghouses) for each leg IAW Figure 1-5. Information for
course, leg distance, leg time, and MSA can be found in the TAC Flimsy.
The TAC Flimsy may not have the most current CHUM data and
MSAs must be verified. For the check ride route, if Falconview is
not available, this information must be obtained manually.
Reference the appropriate Sectional Chart to plot any airspace close to the route and any
VR/ IR routes that will cross your course.
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