and go.
Advance power levers to 12 o'clock position.
Advance power levers to maximum allowable torque (lower red line) when CP calls "go." Do
not remove your hand from the power levers until the aircraft is climbing, clean, and well
clear of the ground.
Execute a normal takeoff when CP calls "Rotate," but not less than 91 KIAS.
After touchdown the CP will:
Reset all trim for takeoff.
Confirm flaps up, all trim set, and props at a minimum of 2000 RPM, by calling "Go."
Back-up the power levers, monitor engine instruments, verify takeoff power set (minimum of
1000 ft-lbs), and call "Rotate" at a minimum of 91 KIAS. Fine-tune power levers as required
to prevent exceeding limits.
When the Pilot in the right seat is executing the landing, the left seat Pilot selects flaps up, reset trim, call
"Go" after spool-up, back-up the power levers, make fine adjustments if required to prevent exceeding
maximum limits, and call "Rotate" at a minimum of 91 KIAS.
If a malfunction occurs during the touch and go, consideration should be given to runway remaining prior
to aborting. It is recommended with less than 2000' remaining and power levers advanced beyond the
12 o'clock position and the takeoff be continued. This recommendation does not replace pilot judgment
during a catastrophic emergency. Immediate action must be taken to determine if the takeoff can be
Once airborne, with insufficient runway remaining to safely land, and a positive rate of climb visually
noted, call "gear up." The CP shall also visually confirm a positive rate, then respond "gear selected up."
After the gear indicates up, the CP shall report "gear up." Reduce power to approximately 900 ft-lbs; pull
the props back to 1900 RPM, then set approximately 1000 ft-lbs. Maintain 130 KIAS in the climb. Do not
allow the aircraft to accelerate past 130 KIAS. A nose attitude of 7-10 degrees up ensures a 130 knot
climb. Scan over the nose to aid in maintaining the desired climb attitude. Adjust power as required to
obtain the desired climb rate. Fine tune the props as soon as possible to reduce cabin noise and airframe
vibration. Be prepared to reduce power to prevent climbing through 500' if the crosswind turn must be
delayed. Transition to balanced flight and crab into the wind to maintain departure centerline. Listen
carefully for clearance to turn downwind. If not received, do not delay requesting clearance. Keep the
pattern as tight as possible.
Wave off. Waveoffs shall be accomplished in accordance with NATOPS. Waveoffs allow safe transition
from low-powered, descending flight, to high-powered, climbing flight. The maneuver is designed to stop
altitude loss as soon as possible while transitioning to a climb at the desired climb speed. Minimum
altitude for an IP initiated practice waveoff is 100'. The IP may take the controls and execute any waveoff
required below 100'. A waveoff shall be executed under the following conditions:
Excessive overshoot of the runway/greater than 30 AOB required during the approach turn.
Landing clearance has not been received by short final.
The IP, wheels watch, Tower, or the RDO issues any verbal or visual waveoff signal.
Any time three green lights are not visible after rolling onto final.
Any time the P feels an unsafe condition exists.
Give consideration to waving off if touchdown cannot be accomplished on the first one-third of the
Make a waveoff call to Tower. Be alert to reducing power and leveling at 500', unless cleared downwind.
Do not exceed 130 KIAS or overtake other aircraft. Initiate the waveoff by adding power as required and
establishing a positive rate of climb. Then offset slightly from the runway to allow a better view of traffic
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