Low Close-In Obstacles. The TERPs specialist is not allowed to publish climb gradients to heights 200'
less. These are typically obstacles very close to the runway and would create a very large climb gradient.
Instead of publishing a climb gradient, the TERPs specialist will publish a NOTE informing you of the
height and location of the obstacles. In addition to complying with the published climb gradient, you must
also ensure you can clear any obstacles published in this type of NOTE.
"Will ATC Clear Me for an IFR Departure Procedure?" In most situations, ATC will not specifically clear
you for an IFR departure procedure. If you are "cleared as filed" and ATC does not issue you further
instructions (by providing radar vectors or assigning a SID/DP), then you are expected to fly the published
instrument departure procedure for the runway used.
SIDs/DPs Instead of IFR Departure Procedures. There are some airports that will provide obstacle
clearance via a SID/DP instead of establishing an IFR departure procedure. You will be notified via
NOTAM or by a statement in the front of the book under the section titled, "IFR Takeoff Minimums and
(Obstacle) Departure Procedures." The statement will say, "RWY XX, use published DP for obstacle
(3) Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs).
A SID is an ATC coded departure procedure established at certain airports to simplify clearance delivery
procedures. SIDs are preplanned IFR departure procedures printed for pilot use in graphic and/or textual
form. SIDs are supposed to be simple, easy to understand, and (if possible) limited to one page. The actual
SID is depicted by a heavy black line; thin black lines represent transition routings. The departure route
description should be complete enough that the pilot can fly the SID with only the textual description.
Pilots operating from locations where SIDs exist can expect an ATC clearance containing a SID.
Military SIDs. Generally speaking, military SIDs provide you with more information than civil SIDs. The
phrase "military SIDs" applies mainly to USAF/USN SIDs in the CONUS (Army SIDs are produced by the
FAA in the CONUS and should be treated as civil SIDs). An example of a military SID is the BOOMER-
FIVE DEPARTURE at Corpus Christi NAS.
Obstacles Are Charted. On a military SID, "prominent" obstacles (not all obstacles) which might create a
hazard if departure procedures are not executed precisely, shall be shown in their exact geographic location.
When portrayal of several obstacles would create clutter, only the highest of the group must be shown. The
distance to the controlling obstacle, upon which the minimum climb rate is predicated, shall be depicted.
ATC Climb Gradients Identified. Military SIDs identify and publish ATC climb gradients exceeding
200 ft/nm. ATC climb gradients are for crossing restrictions or other airspace considerations.
Obstacle Climb Gradients. Military SIDs identify and publish minimum climb gradients exceeding 200 ft/nm
which will ensure proper obstacle clearance.
Civil SIDs. Although civil SIDs (FAA and CONUS Army procedures) in the United States are constructed
using the same TERPs criteria as military SIDs, the information presented is significantly different. It is
important to be aware of the differences. An example of a civilian SID is the BORDER FOUR
DEPARTURE at San Diego International Lindbergh Field.
No Obstacles Are Identified or Depicted. Although many obstacles may be present, civil SIDs do not
provide any obstacle information to the pilot.
ATC Climb Gradients. Civil SIDs also do not normally identify ATC climb gradients in any way; it is up
to the pilot to recognize and compute any ATC climb gradients.
Obstacle Climb Gradients. On civil SIDs, minimum climb gradients required for obstacle clearance will be
depicted in one of two ways: depicted on the SID or included in the IFR departure procedure.
Climb Gradient Depicted On the SID. At some airports, the minimum climb gradient will be
published on the SID. In such cases, although a "trouble T" is depicted on the SID, the climb
gradient published on the SID itself takes precedence over the climb gradient contained in the IFR
Departure Procedure.
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