for every 100'. If we have a malfunction while down low, I will begin a climb and then manage the
malfunction in accordance with the NATOPS. During rigging I will remain inside on the instruments, your
scan will be outside on the target."
Rules of Engagement. Rules have been established regarding aircraft/vessel encounters to preclude
confusion of intent towards the vessel in question. The following guidelines have been established by
No "zooming" of vessels (approaching in a threatening manner and then abruptly breaking off
the approach).
No crossing the bow by closer than one mile except to get the vessels attention.
No closer than 500' abeam when below 1000'.
Avoid over flight except when required, and then no lower 1000'.
No purposeful manipulation of the propellers
If possible, limit the number of quick rigs per vessel to three passes.
All approaches to vessels and oilrigs shall be offset, i.e. the first pass shall not be an overhead
pass. Towers nearing 500' and balloons moored to ships by cables above 1000' maybe
encountered. There may not be enough time to turn away if a straight-in approach is used. So,
just remember: Always use an offset run-in on your first approach.
Sea State/Winds. Use the sea state and actual or forecast winds to plan rigs/SAR pattern, and to
update your ditching plan. Remember, the main swells are best determined while at altitude. Review the
ditching procedures in Section V of NATOPS prior to the flight.
Rigging Vessels/Search Object. Coast Guard rigging procedures are far less rigid than the Navy
rigging procedures outlined in Chapter 7 of the FTI. The Coast Guard has no requirement to accomplish
eight point rigs and can take photographs from either side of the aircraft. Coast Guard aircraft quick rig
vessels from any direction. There is no requirement to rig the vessel from stern to bow on the vessel's
starboard side. The vessel can be rigged from bow to stern, stern to bow, or across the vessel's bow or
stern. It does not matter from which direction the vessel is rigged as long as the required information and
pictures are gathered. Additionally, the vessel or search object is usually taken down the non-flying pilot's
side. The flying pilot stays inside on the instruments and positions the aircraft so the non-flying pilot and
other crewmembers can clearly observe the vessel. The vessel or search object can be taken down the
flying pilot's side at the discretion of the aircraft commander. For law enforcement missions, vessels are
rigged to gather information for the Law Enforcement Information System (LEIS). The information
required for a LEIS report is the vessel's name, homeport, hull number (if available), position, course,
speed, hull color, superstructure color, vessel's activity (fishing, underway, etc), and type of vessel (long
liner, squid jig, high seas drift netter, etc).
Airspace. You normally will encounter two types of airspace during overwater flight operations.
U.S. airspace within 12NM of the coastline governed by the FAR's , and international airspace governed by
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) rules and procedures. While in the training command,
flight international airspace will be regulated by ICAO and OPNAV 3710.7 (series), ref (d).
OPNAV3710.7 (series) always takes precedence. There are several restrictions to VFR flight under ICAO
rules preventing Coast Guard Aviators from completing their mission. In these instances, Coast Guard
Aviators operate under "due regard", which is "due regard for the safety of navigation of civil aircraft."
Simply put, we are responsible for our own traffic separation. While in the training command, you will be
allowed to operate due regard in VMC conditions only. More discussion on ICAO can be found in the
ADIZ Procedures. The U.S. IFR Supplement and Airman's Information Manual cover all the
specifics on ADIZ procedures, and should be read for further information. Tolerances for a Coastal ADIZ
are + 5 minutes, + 20 NM from centerline of the proposed route, and on altitude. It is easiest to use either a
published fix or a radial/DME for an IFR pick-up point. Prior to chopping VFR, advise center of your
proposed operations. "While operating in ADIZ, monitor guard for an "Unknown Rider" call. If a call is
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