approach includes clearance for the missed approach published on the IAP, unless ATC issues verbal
missed approach instructions.
(MAP. The MAP for a non-precision straight-in approach is located along the final approach course
and no farther from the FAF than the runway threshold (or over an on-airport navigation facility for a
no-FAF procedure and some selected FAF procedures). To determine the location of the MAP,
compare the distance from the FAF to the MAP adjacent to the timing block. It may not be the same
point as depicted in the profile view. If there is not a timing block, the MAP should be clearly
portrayed on the IAP.
NOTE: The MAP depicted on the IAP is for the non-radar approach with the lowest HAT. For example, on an ILS
approach designed by the FAA, the MAP printed will be for the ILS decision height (DH). The MAP for the
localizer will probably be at the approach end of the runway and the only way to determine this is by the distance
listed on the timing block.
Circling. The MAP for a circling approach is also located along the final approach course. It will be
no farther from the FAF than the first portion of the usable landing surface (or over an on-airport
navigation facility for a no-FAF procedure).
Precision. The MAP for any precision approach is the point at which the decision height is reached.
This is normally the point depicted on the IAP as the start of a climbing dashed line.
Obstacle Clearance. The obstacle clearance area provided for the missed approach is predicated upon
the missed approach being started at the MAP. A standard climb gradient of 200 ft/nm is required
unless a higher climb gradient is published on the IAP. Keep in mind that beginning the missed
approach instruction from other than the MAP will not guarantee obstacle clearance.
Initiation. When the missed approach is initiated prior to the MAP, proceed along the final approach
course to the MAP at or above the MDA or DH before executing a turning maneuver and then proceed
via the route and altitudes specified in the published missed approach.
B. Missed Approach Instructions.
Multiple Approaches. The controller is required to issue, prior to the FAF, appropriate departure
instructions to be followed upon completion of approaches that are not to full stop landings. The pilot
should tell the controller how the approach will terminate prior to beginning the approach.
Climbout Instructions. The controller will state, "After completion of your low approach/touch-and-
go/stop-and-go/option, climb and maintain (altitude), turn left/right heading (degrees)." These
instructions are verbally issued missed approach/departure instructions (often referred to as "climbout
instructions"). They supersede published missed approach/departure instructions and constitute an air
traffic control clearance. Even if you must execute an actual missed approach, you must comply with
the verbally issued climbout instructions when able. Delay any turns until past the departure end of the
runway if it is visible, and at least 400' above field elevation. If the departure end is not visible, climb
on runway heading until 400' above field elevation before beginning your turn. ATC may direct a turn
at another point.
NOTE: When executing a practice missed approach (in VMC) at Navy Corpus, normal procedures require visually
over-flying the runway no higher than 500', until over the departure end. At the departure end commence a climb to
assigned altitude and switch to departure frequency.
"Blue Brains." In the local area, Corpus approach will normally issue coded climbout instructions,
which can be found in the FAA/CTW-4 letter of agreement printed in the "blue brains." Students may
have the instructor read aloud the specifics of the clearance. Students should develop a reliable system
(notes, heading bug/altitude alerter, etc.) for remembering the climbout instructions, since they are
expected to be able to fly all clearances without instructor intervention.
Circling Approaches. Executing the verbally issued climbout instructions in conjunction with a
circling approach is more complicated. If upon reaching the MAP the airport environment is not in
sight, execute the verbally issued climbout instructions from the MAP. If the circling maneuver has
begun and the airport environment is visually lost, begin an initial climbing turn toward the landing
runway to ensure the aircraft remains within the circling obstruction clearance area. Continue the turn
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