The VOR needles will point to the tuned VORs. The Progress Remote Readout Unit (PRRU) will display
accurate mileage to the selected RNAV waypoint and groundspeed. Minutes to the RNAV waypoint may
be viewed if "Min" is selected. Bearing direct to the waypoint is displayed if the alert button is depressed
and held down manually. Center the pilots CDI and track to the waypoint. Nearing the selected waypoint,
the alert light will illuminate, then flash as the aircraft passes overhead. The "To-From" indicator then
shifts to "From" and PRRU DME starts to count up.
RNAV Waypoint Usage (TACAN). Select desired waypoint to program then enter a zero instead of a
VOR frequency. This alerts the "box" to program TACAN RNAV. Enter applicable information in the
same manner as VOR RNAV. Press "Pre" (preset). When ready, dial in the appropriate TACAN channel,
then D-U-D the waypoint. Press "RNAV" on the TACAN Sel panel. Note Linear Deviation and RNAV
illuminated. Utilize TACAN RNAV in the same manner as described for VOR RNAV.
Enroute RNAV. In order to utilize RNAV enroute, you must be prepared to perform simple plotting in
flight. You may desire to request an initial heading from Center before plotting and programming RNAV
waypoints. Note current radial/DME. Make a quick mental estimate of approximate heading and turn to
that heading. Utilize your straightedge to extend the radial (from the NAVAID currently in use) with a
light pencil line. Measure DME with your "mileage ruler" and circle present position. Draw a course line
from present position to the fix which you are cleared to. Enter an RNAV waypoint on the route of flight
or for the destination fix. Center the pilots CDI and navigate directly to the fix. Tune Nav 2 to the next
NAVAID cleared for navigation. Program applicable RNAV waypoints for the route.
NOTE If the fix you are cleared to is charted with a radial/DME from a currently receivable NAVAID, no plotting
is required. Simply enter the fix as an RNAV waypoint from the NAVAID.
Student Tendencies.
Attempting to comply with a clearance with the navaids set incorrectly
Not identifying the selected station or directing the copilot to do so
Not monitoring the NDB during use or directing the copilot to do so
Not correcting for wind and drifting off course/Not updating heading during a point-to-point
Not selecting the proper FD SEL select switch, (e.g., attempting to fly a TACAN approach in
VOR/ILS mode.)
Not centering the CDI for course guidance when proceeding direct to a VOR or TACAN
Not turning at an appropriate lead point when intercepting arcs or radials
Not tuning the TACAN or VOR/DME before attempting a point-to-point
A. Holding Pattern Procedures.
Holding is maneuvering an aircraft in relation to a navigation fix while awaiting further clearance. Detailed
holding clearance requirements, procedures, and accepted techniques are contained in the AIM. Unless
otherwise instructed by ATC, pilots are expected to hold in a standard pattern. You are considered
established in the holding pattern upon initial passage of the holding fix. Use of TACAN station passage as
a fix is not acceptable for holding fixes. Therefore, do not hold directly over a TACAN. Normal holding
airspeed for the T-44 is 150 KIAS. If extended holding is anticipated, consult the T-44 NATOPS Manual
for maximum endurance speed. Consideration should be given to requesting extended leg lengths if the
delay exceeds 20 minutes. This will result in fewer turns, which allows decreased fuel consumption and
pilot workload.
Holding Instructions.
Holding clearances are issued using standard terminology and format as described in the AIM. ATC
should issue holding instructions at least 5 minutes before reaching a clearance limit fix. When holding
instructions are issued for either a charted or uncharted holding pattern, the controller should issue a time to
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