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reduce power. Prior to commencing a parade turn Lead will:
Check the Wing in position.
Clear the area.
Transmit the turn signal, "Standby for left/right turn," when Wing responds, smoothly roll
into turn. Maintain altitude, AOB, and a constant power setting. Roll out of turns using
"Standby roll out" or "Standby reversal" and the same rate of roll.
Common tendencies are to get sucked (aft of bearing) during "turns into," and to let distance between
aircraft increase during "turns away" (not adding enough power).
A common tendency for the Wing who finds himself acute (ahead of bearing)
on the inside of a turn is to increase AOB to move away from the Lead. This
is dangerous, as he/she will move further ahead and may lose sight of Lead.
The correct procedure is to reduce power and/or AOB.
(10) Crossunder. The crossunder is a maneuver where the Wing moves
from parade position to the opposite parade position. In addition to
accomplishing the crossunder, the maneuver also provides practice in
controlling the rate and direction of relative motion.
Lead will check the Wing in position, clear the area, select a heading giving
the Wing ample time to complete the crossunder, and then transmit "Cleared
to crossunder."
Wing will acknowledge the crossunder signal and stabilize in the parade
position prior to commencing the crossunder. Begin by moving into the
"double step-down" position. Then execute a slight turn to establish a 3-5
degree heading differential, moving (wings level) slowly across and behind
Lead. An increase in power is required to maintain constant nose-to-tail
separation. Stabilize on the 45 bearing in "double step-down" and then climb into the parade position.
Report established.
(11) Free Cruise. The cruise position is designed to reduce workload and save fuel when flying
formation for extended periods. Wing maintains position within 20 of either side of Lead's longitudinal
axis, and 500' nose-to-tail distance. When in position, Lead should look approximately three inches wide
from wingtip to wingtip (about the distance between the index and little finger; see Figure 5-1). Wing
maintains a constant power setting of 900 ft-lbs and maintains position by using radius of turn advantage.
The free cruise maneuver is intended to increase proficiency at maintaining a good cruise position. The
maneuver is begun from the parade position. Lead transmits "Standby for free cruise," and increases speed
to 170 KIAS. Wing falls into trail 200-400 feet behind Lead stabilizing at 170 KIAS (for a distance
comparison, the width of NGP runways 13 L/R is 200'). When in position, Wing reports "Two's in
position." Both aircraft will maintain a constant power setting of 900 ft-lbs. Lead will begin unannounced
turns, climbs, and descents. Wing maneuvers to maintain cruise position.
To remain within NATOPS parameters of NO AEROBATIC FLIGHT, Lead will not exceed 45 AOB or
20 nose-up/down, while Wing will not exceed 60 AOB or 45 nose-up/down. Do not exceed 200 KIAS
or get slower than 120 KIAS. Any unsafe condition will be identified with a "Knock it off" call by either
WARNING: Failure to maintain adequate step-down may result in a hazardous rolling tendency due to wingtip
vortices and prop wash.
When ready to reform, Lead transmits "Slowing to 150 KIAS, cleared to join starboard." Wing responds
and executes a running rendezvous.
(12) Breakup and Rendezvous. The breakup and rendezvous is a practice maneuver during which the
Wing joins on the lead aircraft using AOB/radius of turn while maintaining a constant airspeed. This is a
constant power maneuver and the limited visibility from the T-44 cockpit requires moving in on the 60
bearing from a significant step down position. Thus, ending up climbing while joining, requiring power to
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