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In the run-up area, leave sufficient room for Wing to position his/her aircraft.
Lead will obtain a block assignment and pass assignment and squawk to Wing.
Wing will report, "Two's ready for taxi" when the takeoff brief has been completed.
When the flight is prepared for takeoff, Lead will call for further taxi.
Secure navigation lights and switch to tower frequency approaching the hold short.
(11) The Flight Leader will squawk the appropriate code for the entire flight. The other aircraft will keep
their transponder tuned and activate it if detached from the flight or if the Flight Leader's transponder
malfunctions. The Flight Leader, when flying Wing, must remember to "ident" when requested by ATC.
Position Keeping. The lead aircraft is the primary attitude reference for Wing, and Wing maintains proper
position by interpreting and controlling his/her motion relative to the Lead. Identify the proper position by
using the visual checkpoints on the lead aircraft, and attain/maintain that position by constantly making
small, smooth corrections. Any corrections or movement to a new position involves three distinct actions:
a control change to produce relative motion in the desired direction at a slow rate, a change to stop that
movement, and a change to maintain the desired position. Common tendencies hindering good position
keeping are:
Fixating on the lead aircraft's checkpoints.
"Death grip" on the yoke and power levers.
Making rapid, jerky power changes.
Failure to trim the aircraft.
Getting way out of position before making corrections.
Flight Procedures.
Climb/Descent rates. Unless otherwise specified in the brief or required by an emergency, climb
and descent rates should be 1000 FPM. Airspeeds should normally be 150 KIAS and as required on course
Power Requirements. Lead must leave Wing a power margin when maneuvering. Unless
otherwise briefed, Lead will use a maximum of 1200 ft-lbs in climbs and when accelerating, and no less
than 400 ft-lbs when descending or decelerating.
Maneuver Commands. Unless otherwise briefed, Lead will pass maneuver commands for turns,
climbs, descents, level-offs, changes in airspeed etc. Wing will acknowledge, or if unable to comply with
the command, he/she must transmit "Unable" or "Negative" and advise the Lead of the preferred course of
action (i.e., continue turn/climb, breaking off right/left):
Lead: "Standby power, standby climb."
Wing: "Two." or "Unable."
Lead: "Cleared to cross under."
Wing: "Two."
Takeoff. If the wind is calm, or straight down the runway, Lead takes the center of the outboard half
of the runway. For a crosswind, Lead will take the downwind side. The wind will blow his/her prop
wash/vortices off the runway, having no effect on Wing's takeoff roll. Wing takes the center of his/her half
of the runway with his/her wingtip adjacent to Lead's horizontal stabilizer. Set power, perform nacelle and
instrument checks, and check the other aircraft for loose panels, leaks, etc. If all looks good, exchange a
"thumbs up." With takeoff clearance, Lead begins a normal takeoff roll. Wing begins a takeoff roll 5
seconds after the Lead. Wing calls "Two's airborne" when the gear is retracted.
Running Rendezvous. Lead will climb out on course rules and accelerate to either 140 KIAS or the
course rules-assigned airspeed, whichever is less. Wing will accelerate to Lead's airspeed plus 30 KIAS to
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