Parallel Patters (P). Parallel search patterns are best adapted to rectangular or square areas and
have straight search legs usually aligned parallel to the major axis. Parallel patterns are used for fairly large
areas where uniform coverage is desired. See figure 8-4 for single parallel pattern. See figure 8-5 for
Parallel Track Single (PS) Unit search pattern (commonly referred to as a PAPA SIERRA search pattern).
Figure 8-5
Creeping Ling Patterns (C). Creeping line search patterns are a specialized type of parallel pattern
where the direction of creep is along the major axis. They are used to cover one end of an area first or to
change direction of the search legs where sunglare or swell direction makes this necessary.
Figure 8-6
Square Patterns (S). Square search patterns are used to search a small area when some doubt exists
about the distress position. They are referred to as expanding square searches beginning at datum and
expanding outward. Square patterns are typically flown by SAR helicopters, not fixed winged aircraft. See
figure 8-7 for Square (S) search pattern.
Figure 8-7
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