NOTE: Inasmuch as the circling maneuver may be accomplished in more than one direction, different patterns will
be required to become established on the prescribed missed approach course, depending on the aircraft position at
the time visual reference is lost. Situational awareness of the position of the aircraft in relation to the runway
environment and the missed approach course should be maintained throughout the circling maneuver.
Obstacle Clearance. Adherence to the above procedure will assure the aircraft remains within the
circling obstruction clearance area until established on the missed approach course and within the
established missed approach obstruction clearance area. Remember, the climb gradient, which ensures
obstacle clearance on the missed approach path, begins at the published MAP. Consideration should
be given to the aircraft position at the time visual reference is lost and aircraft climb performance when
determining the best way to get established on the missed approach course.
Missed Approach Course. Although in most cases it is very simple to determine from the IAP,
sometimes the missed approach course is not intuitive, accentuating the need to familiarize yourself
with the missed approach instructions in advance. Wherever practical, the IAP designer constructs the
missed approach course as a continuation of the final approach course. Often, however, a turning
missed approach course is required, or if a straight climb to a specific altitude followed by a turn is
necessary to avoid obstacles, a combination straight and turning missed approach area may be
constructed. Read the missed approach instructions carefully and observe the dashed line depiction
("worm tracks") of the missed approach course in the plan view on the IAP.
Figure 409-1. Missed Approach from the Circling Approach.
F. Student Tendencies.
Not executing missed approach at DH/MAP when the instructor has not called the "field in sight."
Not writing down or remembering climbout instructions and having to ask instructor for them.
When executing climbout instructions, not delaying initial turn until past the departure end of the
runway and at least 400' (unless an early turn is directed by ATC).
On a circling missed approach, after making an initial climbing turn toward the landing runway,
rolling out on runway heading instead of continuing to turn until established on the missed
approach course.
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