Place your seat full aft and assist the relieving Pilot with strapping-in to expedite changes. The new student
at the controls should place his/her headset on as soon as possible. Do not use the controls or instrument
panel as a handhold. An overhead strap is provided for that purpose.
During all high work, leave the landing/taxi lights off. Reply "set" to the challenge "lights" on the Landing
Checklist. Utilize the flight director heading "bug" as a reference while performing maneuvers.
Only the PAC will direct the IP to cancel the gear warning horn when required. It cannot be canceled with
flaps at approach if the gear is up. Do not override the gear warning horn in the traffic pattern, or during an
instrument approach past the Final Approach Fix (FAF). The gear horn circuit breaker shall not be
pulled in flight.
Level Speed Change. Level speed changes develop aircraft control throughout changing airspeed and
power configurations. Primary emphasis is on trim, heading, and altitude control. Conduct transitions in
the following order:
Normal cruise
150 KIAS
Fast cruise
170 KIAS
Slow cruise
130 KIAS
Normal cruise
150 KIAS
Stabilize momentarily at each new airspeed prior to transitioning to the next. Recommend a 100 ft-lb
torque differential to expedite airspeed changes.
Turn Pattern. The turn pattern is a coordination maneuver designed to build basic piloting skills. Emphasis
is on trim, scan, altitude control, and smoothness. Enter on a numbered heading and maintain 150 KIAS
throughout the maneuver. The pattern consists of turns and reversals as depicted in Figure 1-1 and may be
commenced in either direction. Lead all turns by one-third the AOB when rolling out or commencing a
reversal. The 15 and/or 30 degree AOB turns may be omitted at IP's discretion after initial introduction and
initial practice of the entire maneuver. Procedures are as follows:
15 bank, 90 turn.
15 bank, 90 reversal.
30 bank, 180 turn.
30 bank, 180 reversal.
45 bank, 360 turn.
45 bank, 360 reversal.
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