ATC action against the offending PIC. Request clearance prior to entry. After initial contact, a typical call
might be "Houston Approach, NAVY 1 GOLF 411 is approaching Montgomery County Airport at 5500',
landing Intercontinental, with bravo." If you state you are landing at an airport in the Class B it is
understood you are requesting clearance into the Class B. Listen carefully, you must hear the specific
words "cleared into the Class B." Normally you will be given a squawk and vectored to the airport. If not,
hold outside the Class B until cleared in. If flying under the lateral limits, maximum IAS is 200 knots.
NOTE Civil pilots not equipped or capable of operating in the Class B often transit Airspace just outside a Class B.
Avoid this busy airspace whenever possible.
Class C - Radio contact required prior to penetration. No specific clearance issued. Mode C required
within the Class C, and up to 10,000 MSL above. After initial contact, a typical call might be "Austin
Approach, NAVY 1 GOLF 411 is over Lake Travis at 3,500, squawking 1200, enroute to Bastrop, with
Alpha, request advisories." Permission to enter/transit may be denied.
Descent and Approach. If available, obtain ATIS as soon as practicable. Prior to descent, become
familiar with the arrival area and airfield layout. Consult the IAP diagram if charted. Brief the intended
airfield entry.
On VNAV training flights, when operating at uncontrolled fields, the student should handle VHF
(UNICOM, CTAF, etc.) while the IP handles the UHF (Approach/Center). It is imperative initial traffic
advisories be made no later than ten miles from an uncontrolled field. It is mandatory radios be utilized to
avoid this hazard. Remember, the area near a VOR/NDB has historically been the scene of midair
collisions. The OBS, if assigned, should monitor both VHF and UHF. An initial call might be "Victoria
Traffic, Navy King Air 411 is 20 miles south, 2500, landing Victoria. Request airport advisory." Landing
and traffic information may be issued. Never assume traffic is not in the pattern simply because no radio
traffic is heard. Some civil aircraft do not have a radio installed. Always make advisory calls, even if no
response is heard.
The Descent Checklist must be completed if the Cruise Checklist was performed. If used, pressurization
must be set for destination field elevation plus 500 (with applicable correction factor).
If radar service is available, after initial check-in, report altitude, ATIS information letter, and intentions.
Note: Terminal radar service to VFR aircraft is provided by all radar facilities on a workload permitting basis.
The service is referred to as Basic, Stage II, or Stage III, depending on the level of service provided; from basic
advisories and limited vectoring, to sequencing and separation. Vectoring may be provided when requested, or with
pilot concurrence, when suggested by ATC. Pilots should obtain ATIS and contact Approach approx. 25 miles from
the airport at which the service is provided. State position, altitude, transponder code, destination, ATIS identifier
and request. After initial contact, a typical call might be "Corpus Approach, NAVY 1 GOLF 411 is over Baffin Bay
at 3500, squawking 1200, landing Navy Corpus, with Delta."
Complete the Approach Checklist. The abbreviated Approach Checklist is utilized if the abbreviated Climb
Checklist was completed. Ensure the intended runway meets minimum criteria.
Approach Procedures. At a controlled field, follow directions from the tower. At uncontrolled fields,
overfly the airport if required to determine pattern direction and preferred runway. Ensure altitude is
maintained above traffic. Be alert to note the windsock, L type markers showing direction of traffic, and
aircraft in the pattern. Make a level 45 entry to downwind and comply with pattern entry. Make radio calls
at 10 miles, over flying the field, entering downwind, turning base, final, and downwind. Circle well clear
of the pattern when maneuvering to intercept downwind. Be particularly alert when descending. Dip the
wings as required for better visibility. At uncontrolled fields, VFR entries should always be made on a level
45 downwind, usually at 1000' AGL. Left turns are required unless ground markings or lights indicate
right. Do not make a base or straight-in entry. Descent to normal T-44 VFR pattern altitude may be
commenced after downwind entry. A typical entry call might be "Victoria Traffic, Navy King Air 411
entering left downwind, runway 17, touch and go, Victoria." Positions shall be reported as downwind, base
leg, final or upwind.
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