E. Outer Fix Holding Pattern.
If you are established in a holding pattern with a published minimum holding altitude, and are
assigned an altitude above that published altitude, you may descend to the published minimum
holding altitude when you have been cleared for the approach (unless specifically restricted by
For those holding patterns where there is no published minimum altitude, the pilot, upon receiving
an approach clearance, must maintain the last assigned altitude until leaving the holding pattern
and established on the inbound course. ATC is expected to assign a holding pattern permitting a
normal descent on the inbound course. (If a lower altitude is desired, request clearance from
ATC.) Thereafter, the published minimum altitude of the route segment being flown will apply.
If established in holding on a published holding-in-lieu-of procedure turn (bold) or in a properly
aligned holding pattern, and then are subsequently cleared for the approach prior to returning to
the holding fix, and the aircraft is at the prescribed altitude, additional circuits of the holding
pattern are neither necessary nor expected by ATC. If additional circuits are desired to lose
excessive altitude or become better established on course, it is the pilot's responsibility to so
advise ATC upon receipt of their approach clearance.
F. Student Tendencies.
Allowing the aircraft to drift across holding course while outbound on parallel entry
Not correcting for drift during outbound legs
Correcting the wrong direction for drift during outbound legs
Not keeping a standard rate throughout both turns
Forgetting to hack the clock at the proper time inbound and outbound
Forgetting the EFC given by controller
Adjusting outbound timing incorrectly
Holding triple drift correction too long in DME holding
A. Overview.
An enroute descent or a high altitude instrument approach enables an aircraft to transition from the high
altitude structure to a position to commence the approach. ATC will usually issue a clearance for a specific
type of approach. The omission of a specific type in the approach clearance indicates that any published
instrument approach to the aerodrome may be used. Unless you receive an appropriate ATC clearance to
deviate, fly the entire instrument approach procedure starting at the IAF. Before starting descent, recheck
the weather (if appropriate).
NOTE: FAA controllers are not required to respond to clearance readbacks; however, if your readback is
incorrect, distorted or incomplete, the controller is obligated to make corrections. If you are unsure of the
clearance and/or instructions, query the controller.
B. Enroute Descent.
The enroute descent is the most frequently used transition from an enroute altitude for the approach. It may
be flown either via radar vectors or non-radar routings, using approved navigation aids. The type of final
approach to be flown must be understood by you and the approach controller (ILS, PAR, visual pattern,
etc.) Request the specific final approach or low altitude instrument approach procedure (IAP) you desire,
as well as the following approach if doing multiple approaches for training. Be careful about reducing
power too much in the descent; pressurization cannot be maintained within limits if N1 is low (per
NATOPS, maintain a minimum of 75% N1 with two engines and 85% N1 when single-engine).
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