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Alert Area. Alert areas are charted on enroute and sectional charts and depict areas of intensive student
training or other high volume activity. Pilots should be particularly attentive to scanning for other traffic
when operating in an alert area. No restrictions to IFR or VFR traffic apply.
Prohibited Area. Prohibited areas are charted on enroute and sectional charts and contain extremely
sensitive airspace such as the White House. Do not request clearance into a prohibited area unless your
mission is tasked by the agency in control of the airspace.
Restricted Area. Restricted areas are charted on enroute and sectional charts and contain areas of unusual
hazards such as artillery firing, aerial gunnery, ACM, etc. Hours of operation are often non-continuous,
especially at night and on weekends. VFR and IFR aircraft will not penetrate restricted airspace without
authorization from the controlling activity. If the area is not active, clearance for VFR and IFR traffic to
transit the area will usually be issued. ATC normally will receive IFR routing control when a restricted
area is inactive, and pilots on IFR flight plans will not have to obtain their own clearance. VFR pilots must
obtain their own clearance from the controlling agency.
Military Operations Area (MOA). MOAs are charted on sectional and low enroute charts and depict
areas established to separate military traffic from IFR traffic. Most areas are utilized for acrobatic type
maneuvering which might be hazardous to IFR aircraft. VFR traffic should be particularly attentive to
scanning for other traffic, and should contact any FSS within 100 miles of the area to obtain accurate real-
time advisories. There is no restriction on VFR operations within a MOA. Normally IFR traffic will not be
cleared through an active MOA.
Military Training Routes (MTR). MTRs are routes utilized to train military pilots in low level, generally
high speed, combat tactics. They consist of VR (VFR) and IR (IFR) routes. The routes above 1500 feet
AGL are generally flown IFR, and those below, VFR. They are charted on sectionals with a light gray line
labeled with VR/IR and a three or four digit number. Four digits indicate routes generally flown above
1500 feet. Routes above 1,500 feet AGL are charted on low enroute charts with brown lines. Detailed
information can be found on the DOD Area Planning (AP/1B) chart. Exercise vigilance whenever in the
vicinity of a MTR. Contact the nearest FSS within 100 NM of a particular route for route activity
information. MTR altitudes are published on the flap of the IFR Enroute Charts (low altitude).
(1). Maximum speed beneath the lateral limits of Class B airspace is 200 KIAS. Unless authorized, large turbine-
powered aircraft will not operate beneath the lateral limits of Class B airspace if transiting to/from a primary
(2). Mode C is required when operating within 30 miles of Class B airspace primary airport. The 30 NM ring is
depicted by a thin blue circle on sectionals and hashed blue shading on enroute low charts.

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