thermocouple, thermistor, or other device that indicates the temperature of
food, air, or water.
(96) "Temporary food establishment" is a food establishment that
operates for a period of no more than 14 consecutive days in conjunction
with a single event or celebration.
(97) "Utensil" is a food-contact implement or container used in
the storage, preparation, transportation, dispensing, sale, or service of
food, such as kitchenware or tableware that is multi-use, single-service,
or single-use; gloves used in contact with food; and food temperature
(98) "Vending machine" is a self-service device that, upon
insertion of a coin, paper currency, token, card, or key, dispenses unit
servings of food in bulk or in packages without the necessity of
replenishing the device between each vending operation.
(99) "Vending machine location" is the room, enclosure, space, or
area where one or more vending machines are installed and operated and
includes the storage and servicing areas on the premises that are used to
service and maintain the vending machines.
(100) "Warewashing" is the cleaning and sanitizing of food-contact
surfaces of equipment and utensils.
(101) "Water activity (aw)" is a measure of the free moisture in a
food, is the quotient of the water vapor pressure
of the substance divided by the vapor pressure of pure water at the same
temperature, and is indicated by the symbol aW.
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