(2) Pork, game animals, comminuted fish and meats, injected meats
and eggs that are not cooked to order shall be cooked to meet one of the
time temperature combinations shown in Table 1-2 below:
TABLE 1-2. Minimum cooking time and temperature combinations for
pork, game animals, comminuted fish and meats,
injected meats and eggs that are not cooked to order.
Minimum Internal
145F (63C)
3 minutes
150F (66C)
1 minute
155F (68C)
15 seconds
(3) Ground beef should be cooked to a minimum internal temperature
of 155F for 15 seconds or until juices run clear.
(4) Whole beef roasts and corned beef roasts shall be cooked in an
oven that is preheated to the temperature specified in table 1-3 and is
held at or above that temperature; and to a food temperature as specified
in table 1-4 for the corresponding amount of time for that temperature.
Table 1-3. Oven parameters required for destruction of pathogens
on the surface of roasts of beef and corned beef.
Oven Temperature
Oven Type
Based on Roast Weight
Less than 10 lbs (4.5
10 lbs (4.5 kg) or greater
350oF (177oC) or greater
250oF (121oC) or greater
Still Dry
325oF (163oC) or greater
250oF (121oC) or greater
250oF (121oC) or less
250oF (121oC) or greater
High Humidity1
Relative humidity greater than 90% for at least 1 hour as measured in the
cooking chamber or exit of the oven; or in a moisture-impermeable bag that provides
100% humidity.
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