cleanable, insect and rodent-resistant, leak-proof, nonabsorbent containers
that are maintained in good repair. Refuse containers manufactured from
thermoplastic should be NSF listed or equivalent. Plastic bags and/or wet
strength paper bags may be used to line containers. Refer to OPNNAVINST
5090 series for guidance on disposal of plastic materials at sea. Plastic
rubber trash containers are prohibited for use on ships.
b. Refuse compactors and compactor systems should be NSF listed or
equivalent. Containers and compactors must be easily cleanable and
provided with tight-fitting lids, doors or covers. They must be kept closed
when not in actual use. Drain plugs, where applicable, must be in place at
all times, except during cleaning.
c. Sufficient numbers of garbage and refuse containers must be
provided to prevent overfilling. The containers must be emptied as
necessary during operations and at the close of each working day. After
being emptied, each container must be thoroughly cleaned inside and
outside, in a manner which will not cause contamination of food, equipment,
utensils or food preparation areas or, if cleaned outside, create a
nuisance. Suitable facilities, can washer, detergent, and hot water or
steam mixing valves must be provided and used for cleaning refuse equipment
and containers.
d. Soiled refuse equipment and containers must be cleaned at a
frequency to prevent them from becoming insect and rodent attractors and a
source of contamination.
5.8.2 Storage
a. Garbage and refuse on the premises must be stored in a manner that
makes it inaccessible to insects and rodents. Outside storage of plastic
containers which are not rodent-resistant, e.g., unprotected plastic bags,
paper bags or baled units which contain refuse, is prohibited. Cardboard
or other packaging material not containing food wastes may be stored
outside without being in a covered container.
b. When inside storage rooms and areas are used they must be
constructed to meet the criteria in Section 5-2 and maintained in a manner
which prevents or minimizes the accumulation of filth, the occurrence of
odors and the existence of vermin.
c. When possible, outside storage areas or enclosures must not be
located within 100 feet of the food establishment. The areas must be large
enough to store the garbage and refuse containers that accumulate and must
be kept clean and in good repair. The storage surface must be constructed
of nonabsorbent material such as concrete, be smooth and be sloped to
drain. The enclosure, if used, must be constructed of durable and cleanable
d. Dumpsters and other containers used to store garbage must be
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