and sanitizing on the premises. If adequate hot water is not available,
the scope of food service operations will be limited to the preparation and
service of foods that do not require cleaning and sanitizing of equipment
and utensils. The PMA may authorize alternative procedures for cleaning
and sanitizing equipment and utensils.
b. Temporary food establishments without permanent water supplies must
have potable water for cleaning and hand washing.
c. Potable water must be from commercial potable water trailers,
temporary connection to building water supply, or in clean sanitary
containers or hoses.
(1) Hoses used to carry water for food preparation, drinking water,
warewashing and hand washing must be made of food grade material approved
for potable water. ("Use of garden hoses is prohibited except for general
area cleanup, e.g. for washing down floors and picnic tables). Temporary
connections to potable water supply shall not violate plumbing codes. The
hose bib shall be connected with a vacuum breaker or other backflow
prevention device.
3-7.7 Sewage
All sewage will be disposed of in a sanitary sewer.
3-7.8 Hand Washing
Provide a convenient hand washing facility for employee hand washing.
facility will have at least running water, soap, and individual paper
towels. The PMA may approve field expedient hand washing facilities.
service personnel shall follow hand washing guidance provided in this
3-7.9 Floors
When provided, floors will be constructed of concrete, asphalt, tight wood,
or other similar cleanable material, be graded to drain and kept in good
repair. The preventive medicine authority may approve using dirt or gravel
as subflooring provided floors are:
a. Graded to drain;
b. Covered with clean, removable platforms or duckboards, or other
suitable non-absorbent materials effectively treated to control dust.
3-7.10 Walls and Ceilings of Food Preparation Areas
When required by the PMA, walls and ceilings of temporary food preparation
areas shall meet the following standards:
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