stirred until the internal product temperature reaches 165F, then it must
remain covered for two minutes to obtain temperature equilibrium.
(2) Ready to eat food from a commercially processed, hermetically
sealed container or packaging shall be heated to a temperature of at least
141F for hot holding.
(3) Hot food holding containers shall be pre-heated to at least
145F prior to placing hot food in the containers. Where possible, boiling
water shall be used for pre-heating.
c. Steam tables, warmers, or other hot food storage units are not
designed for rapid heating of PHF and shall not be used for heating food
3-4.4 SemiPerishable Food
a. The term "semiperishable" refers to food items that are canned,
dried, dehydrated, or otherwise processed to the extent that such items,
under normal circumstances, may be stored in nonrefrigerated spaces.
b. Semiperishable food items shall be considered overaged when stored
in excess of the inspection test date marked on the case and/or the keeping
time shown in the semiperishable food storage table of NAVSUP PUB 476,
Volume 1, Chapter 5. The U.S. Army Veterinary Service, at stock points,
inspects overaged food items and warehouse personnel mark the cases and/or
the DD Form 1348-1 of those items that are in good condition to indicate
that the keeping time has been extended. Even when items are not so
marked, they will be considered fit for use if the container is in good
condition and the food item has no offensive odor and is palatable.
Overaged items are not considered suitable for
continued storage unless they have been extended by a qualified inspector.
Extended food items must be consumed as soon as feasible. Items must not
be surveyed solely because of age. Outdated food items will be surveyed
only if a qualified inspector finds them to be unfit for human consumption.
c. When inspecting storerooms, the outward appearance of food
containers and the condition of the foods must be checked. Torn or broken
bags of food must be immediately used, transferred to insect-proof
containers or surveyed. If an insect infestation is discovered, several
specimens should be carefully collected and sent for species identification
to the nearest military activity capable of identifying insects. A report
of suspected hazardous food items must be submitted as required by NAVSUP
PUB 486, Volume 1.
Heavily infested food, i.e. seven or more living or dead insects
per pound must be surveyed (see MIL-STD-904A). Lightly infested food should
be immediately removed, placed in a freezer for 72 hours, sifted to remove
the insects and used as soon as possible, except as follows:
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