(c) For a period of time that does not allow thawed portions of ready-
to-eat food to rise above 41oF (5oC);
(d) For a period of time that does not allow thawed portions of
a raw animal food requiring cooking to be above (41OF) 5OC for more than 4
hours including:
1 The time the food is exposed to the running water and the
time needed for preparation for cooking, or
2 The time it takes under refrigeration to lower the food
temperature to 5OC (41OF).
(4) On board ships, and only during emergency situations when
microwave ovens and refrigeration equipment are inoperative, it may be
necessary to use a thawing method not approved by FDA (e.g., thawing at
room temperature). In this situation, the following guidelines must be
(a) Frozen foods are thawed in the galley or meat preparation
(b) The room temperature must not exceed 80F.
(c) Meat, poultry, and fish must remain in their original
sealed wrappers or containers;
(d) Proper precautions must be taken to ensure
potentially hazardous foods are not allowed to remain at room temperature
once thawed;
(e) The preventive medicine authority must be notified.
c. Commercial-type Frozen Food Operation. This is the only
authorized operation in which food intended for use at a future time is
prepared, frozen, and stored. Navy and Marine Corps frozen food processing
operations must obtain CHBUMED approval for operations not previously
d. Freezing of leftovers is not authorized.
e. A waiver for freezing of limited menu items, that are advance
prepared foods, (e.g. Lumpia, egg rolls) may be authorized by the PMA under
certain conditions and may require a HACCP plan.
3-5.8 Reconstituted, Dehydrated Foods
Food items such as dehydrated eggs and vegetables are as susceptible to
spoilage after reconstitution as the fresh items. Dehydrated foods must be
reconstituted with chilled ingredients and be cooked or refrigerated
immediately following reconstitution.
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