(a) The physical facility, its contents, and the
contiguous land or property under the control of the permit holder or food
(b) The physical facility, its contents, and the contiguous
land or property and its facilities and contents that are under the control
of the permit holder/food establishment that may impact food establishment
personnel, facilities, or operations, if a food establishment is only one
component of a larger organization such as a health care facility, hotel,
motel, school, recreational camp, or prison.
(70) "Preventive medicine authority (PMA)" the medical department
representative(s) responsible for public health (preventive medicine).
This will be the senior environmental health officer/preventive medicine
technician for the area of responsibility. In their absence Army
Veterinary technicians, independent duty corpsmen, senior general duty
corpsmen or medical officers may be designated.
(71) "Primal cut" is a basic major cut into which carcasses and
sides of meat are separated. Examples include beef round, pork loin, lamb
flank or veal breast.
(72) "Prime vendor" is a commercial vendor designated by the
Supply Department as an approved direct delivery vendor.
(73) "Public water system" has the meaning stated in 40 CFR Part
141 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.
(74) Ready-to eat food.
(a) "Ready-to-eat food" means food that is in a form that is
edible without washing, cooking, or additional
preparation by the food establishment or the consumer and that is
reasonably expected to be consumed in that form.
(b) "Ready-to-eat food" includes:
1 Unpackaged potentially hazardous food that is
cooked to the temperature and time required for the specific food under
this chapter.
2 Raw, washed, cut fruits and vegetables;
3 Whole, raw, fruits and vegetables that are
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