water distribution system of the premises and demands a supply of water
from the system; or
(b) Discharges used water, waste materials, or sewage directly
or indirectly to the drainage system of the premises.
(64) "Plumbing system" means the water supply and distribution
pipes; plumbing fixtures and traps; soil, waste, and vent pipes; sanitary
and storm sewers and building drains, including their respective
connections, devices, and appurten-ances within the premises; and water-
treating equipment.
(65) "Poisonous or toxic materials" are substances that are not
intended for ingestion and included in four categories:
(a) Cleaners and sanitizers, which include cleaning and
sanitizing agents and agents such as caustics, acids, drying agents,
polishes, and other chemicals;
(b) Pesticides, which include substances such as insecticides
and rodenticides;
(c) Substances necessary for the operation and maintenance of
the establishment such as nonfood grade lubricants and personal care items
that may be deleterious to health;
(d) Substances that are not necessary for the operation and
maintenance of the establishment and are on the premises for retail sale,
such as petroleum products and paints.
(66) PHF - Potentially Hazardous Food.
(67) Potentially Hazardous Food.
(a) "Potentially hazardous food" means a food that
is natural or synthetic and that requires temperature control because it is
in a form capable of supporting:
1 The rapid and progressive growth of infectious or
toxigenic microorganisms;
2 The growth and toxin production of Clostridium
botulinum; or
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