Veterinary Laboratory
Gebaube 3810
6790 Landstuhl Kirchberg
Veterinary Public Health Lab
Bldg 502
APO AA34004-5003 Corazal Republic of Panama
b. NAVSUP Publication 486, Volume 1, Food Service Management-General
Messes, provides a line-by-line procedure for the preparation, addressing,
and information copies of the message and DD Form 1222.
c. Hazardous food items are products which would certainly or possibly
cause, or suspected to have already caused, harm when consumed. Such items
may be unfit for human consumption, suspected of being unfit for human
consumption, or suspected to be the source of a foodborne disease outbreak.
Determination of "fitness for human consumption" is the responsibility of
the PMA.
d. Examples of hazardous food items are:
(1) Widespread presence of swollen or leaking cans, (The contents
of bulged or swollen cans should never be consumed or even tasted);
(2) Products with offensive or unusual odors and colors and/or any
other evidence of deterioration, spoilage, or contamination. (Try to
determine whether or not the hazardous condition is due to an isolated
instance, excessive storage or mishandling prior to reporting the item
(3) Food items containing glass, dirt, pieces of metal, etc.
(4) Any apparently wholesome food items which, based on the best
medical knowledge available, is suspected or known to harbor disease
causing agents. (Food items which have become hazardous due to overage,
mishandling while in the custody of the user, or other isolated instances
of abuse will not be reported under these procedures).
(5) Infested with insects.
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