PMA must regularly inspect these government operated trucks and carts while
they are in operation.
b. Non-government operated food vendors must be licensed/ approved by
the local/state health authority and must be registered with the local PMA.
The inspection frequency will be determined by the PMA, but must be done
at least quarterly.
c. All food service equipment in mobile vans must be equivalent to or
meet applicable design and performance standards of NSF Standard No. 59 or
its equivalent.
d. Transportation of food from a centralized kitchen to a satellite
dining facility poses special hazards which increase in proportion to
distance and time. Therefore, all foods must be transported in covered
containers or completely wrapped or packaged to protect them from
contamination, and all potentially hazardous food must be maintained at
41F or below, or 140F or above during transportation.
3-6.5 Commissaries
Commissaries will normally be inspected by U.S. Army veterinary personnel.
When U.S. Army personnel are not available, commissaries will be inspected
by Navy PMA utilizing the current methods established by the U.S. Army
VETCOM Instructions.
3-6.6 Coffee Messes
a. The term "coffee mess" means any room, space, area, or facility
authorized by a department or office for the purpose of preparing or
dispensing coffee, tea, or similar beverages. Food is not authorized to be
stored, prepared or served in coffee messes.
b. Coffee messes require no initial or periodic medical inspections by
the PMA.
3-6.7 Child Development Centers and Family Home Care Units
a. Child development centers are command sponsored child care
facilities located on station and operated as authorized by OPNAVINST
1700.9 series. Food service operations in these centers will comply with
this chapter.
b. Family Home Care Units are provided in government quarters
(government owned or leased) and approved by the local commanding officers
and housing authority. Care may be provided for up to six children by a
private individual in a Navy family housing unit.
(1) These units are not subject to routine food service
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