scientific procedures (or, in the case as a substance used in food prior to
January 1, 1958, through either scientific procedures or experience based
on common use in food) to be safe under the conditions of its intended use;
except that such term does not include:
1 a pesticide chemical in or on a raw agricultural
commodity; or
2 A pesticide chemical to the extent that it is intended for
use or is used in the production, storage, or transportation of any raw
agricultural commodity; or
3 A color additive; or
4 Any substance used
in accordance with a sanction or
approval granted prior to September
6, 1958, pursuant to this chapter, the
Poultry products Inspection Act (21
U.S.C. 451 et seq.) or the Meat
Inspection Act of March 4, 1907, as
amended and extended (21 U.S.C. 601 et
seq.); or
5 a new animal drug.
(b) "Color additive" means a material which:
1 Is a dye, pigment, or other substance made by a process
of synthesis or similar artifice, or extracted, isolated, or otherwise
derived, with or without intermediate or final change of identity, from a
vegetable, animal, mineral, or other source, and
2 When added or applied to a food, drug, or cosmetic, or
to the human body or any part thereof, is capable (alone or through
reaction with other substance) of imparting color thereto; except that such
term does not include any material which, by regulation, determined is used
(or intended to be used) solely for a purpose or purposes other than
3 The term "color" includes black, white, and intermediate
4 Nothing in subparagraph (b) of this paragraph shall be
construed to apply to any pesticide chemical, soil or plant nutrient, or
other agricultural chemical solely because of its effect in aiding,
retarding, or otherwise affecting, directly or indirectly, the growth or
other natural physiological
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