improper cooling practices were used, resulting in the high temperatures
being found in the potentially hazardous food. This would be a violation
of Cooling Methods, and Potentially Hazardous Food, Hot and Cold Holding.
(3) If 12 separate coolers were found with items out of temperature
as the result of 12 separate instances of improper practices by employees,
each instance should be individually cited as a critical violation. The
details included in each citation should clearly delineate the conditions
found in each instance.
(4) Failure to clean floors is another example which can be easily
visualized. A large meat cutting room may have numerous separate areas
requiring cleaning. If there is a build-up of old food debris and other
filth on the floor of the room in five separate areas, then one violation
would exist. However, if the cleaning problem existed in multiple rooms,
one violation is cited for each.
If the PMA considers any one or more violations a significant danger to
health, the PMA will promptly notify the commanding officer and recommend
that the facility immediately cease food service until the significant
danger to health has been eliminated.
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