e. The Morning Brief
You will start every day in Air Force pilot training with the morning brief, you will get plenty
of instruction on how it is conducted in your flight, but here are some highlights. One of the
students in your flight will get the weather/NOTAMS and time hack. All students will be in the
flight room ten minutes prior to the formal brief time. A good time hack is essential to mission
accomplishment; if you are over 15 seconds off, some Flight Commanders will not be too happy.
All students will be sitting around the periphery of the room with their chairs pointed to the
center. Have your checklist, inflight guide (blue brains), and some scrap paper (everything you
would have in the jet). Be familiar with all and have all current changes. When the Flight
Commander walks into the room the senior ranking student will call the flight room to attention
and will formally report to the Flight Commander. The flight room will be put at ease and all
students will sit. One student will get up to brief the weather and NOTAMS for the day and will
give a time hack. When that is done, the Flight Commander will get up and brief any of the
day's announcements and flying considerations. The Flight USEM will then get up and ask
general knowledge questions. If you are called upon, you will stand at attention and give the
answer. You had better be on the ball because you will be answering in front of all the IPs and
your fellow students. Everyone will witness you either doing a victory roll because you knew
your stuff, or going down in flames because you did not know the answer. With enough
shortcomings in general knowledge, you will be grounded for the day. Next will be the morning
standup. The USEM will give a situation, call sign, and the weather, and then its "Lt (insert your
name), you have the aircraft!" When you are called upon, stand-up before you reply, "I have the
aircraft" (the Air Force uses "I have the aircraft" instead of "I have the controls" for transfer of
aircraft control). Make sure you have all the facts; if you have any questions, ask the USEM
before you start handling the situation. If you are not called upon, you should be taking notes
and keeping up with what is going on because at any time the USEM could stop the student with
the EP and give it to you. If you stand-up and do not know what is going on, you can expect to
not fly that day. If you do get the EP in the middle of the situation, the USEM will ask you if
you want to change anything before you assume the situation. This is your chance to right any
mistakes the previous student made. If you do not correct their mistakes, you assume their
mistakes and you could be grounded as well. Refer to the 25 FTS Standardization Handout for
more details on how Vance conducts their Standup EPs
f. Intermediate Training at Whiting
The focus of this FTI is to transition you from Whiting to the T-38 syllabus. Every ride you do
in your intermediate syllabus should be viewed as preparation for that challenge. Your T-34 Jet
Formation (AFORM), Instrument Navigation, Jet Precision Aerobatic (APA), and low level
Contact (VNAV) and low level tactical formation sorties will all be geared to prep for T-38s. On
every sortie you will brief in the Air Force Standup Format, conduct the entire flight with the O2
mask on using hot mic, and the flight will be conducted with a similar flow as at Vance. The
debrief will be like Vance as well. You will have some academic sessions at Whiting to
introduce you to the Air Force flight pubs that you will operate under, but for clarification, while
flying Navy aircraft, you are still responsible for Navy publications and the T-34 NATOPS. In
general, your remaining flights at Whiting will include working a Military Operating Airspace
(MOA) in radial/DME/altitude. You will be introduced to single seat Crew Resource
Management (CRM), (Navy equivalent is Aircrew Coordination Training (ACT)). You will
coordinate for and fly instrument approaches to a full stop at Whiting. You will plan and execute
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