Use eyes, ears, nose, feeling; what is the aircraft telling you? What does the Wingman see?
Identify the proper checklists
Take the appropriate action
State the Boldface, then APPLY EACH STEP, then open up to the checklists.
Do all non-critical items, and REFER TO CHECKLIST.
Have Wing read you the checklists.
Check engine instruments/caution lights/off flags/fire lights/circuit breakers.
Any off flags? ALT RMI Circuit Breakers N1 ITT Prop Oil Torque Fuel Flow
Volt/Amp Fuel L+R
Do not forget normal checks (Landing Checklist, NMAILMAN, etc.)
Land as soon as conditions permit
Come up with a "game plan" (Where do you want to go; how will you get there? Nearest
field? Instrument approach? Lead or Wing there? What are you going to do once you get there.
Basically a "Big Picture" of what you intend to do then run it by Wing for a "common sense"
Game Plan:
Where do you want to go?
Can you go there (WX)?
How are you going to get there?
Lead? WX?
Wing leads through WX
What are you going to do once you get there?
Crash trucks on runway
EP A/C land first; Wing fly low app
Get headed toward field you will land at.
Request a block of altitude for maneuvering
Request a single frequency approach (try to use single freq. approach w/ any EP)
Decide what runway to land on
Inform the SOF (after all checklist are complete and the situation is under control). Get
another "common sense" check from the SOF/FDO once the situation is under control and your
game plan is formed.
Pass/request lead if appropriate
Pass lead if descending through weather if electrical problem
Do not forget normal checklists!
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