One technique is to increase back-stick pressure to pull the nose across the apex until
approaching 100 knots, then letting the nose fall to the horizon slowly to allow the aircraft to
accelerate. Make the stick inputs slowly so they are imperceptible to the Wingman. Do not
unload and cause the Wingman to go high!
You are required to execute Crossunders during wingwork. Crossunders may be completed
during wing work at up to 90 degrees angle of bank. Normally, cross the Wingman from the
high wing to the low wing. Due to limited energy, it may not be possible for the Wingman to
cross from the low wing to the high wing at high angles of bank.
As Wing, the challenge is to stay in position at higher and higher angles of bank using the
normal Parade references. Wingwork is a matter of aggressive positional maintenance using
power and stick inputs and knowing when to use gravity to help you and when gravity can hurt
you. Turns into should be no problem, since you are on the inside of the turn, although at the
higher angles of bank, the tendency to get "acute" or ahead of the bearing line is more
pronounced. There is also a tendency to want to ride high and lose sight of the ventral point and
then let Lead turn into you; do not let this happen, VENTRAL POINT ON THE CUTOUT!
Turns away are more challenging, because the T-34 is so power limited. Wing must be very
proactive with power on the pullup for turns away. Add power at a rate that is equal to or
slightly more than the power required to maintain position. Any power corrections you make on
the pullup show up fast, so if you have to pull power, you are going to have to add it back very
quickly. If you find yourself getting acute or ahead of the bearing line at the apex of the turn,
rollout of the bank just a little bit, let Lead get some forward line of sight on the canopy and then
get back into position. If you find yourself getting behind on the turn away there is not much
you can do. Your only recourse is to set maximum power and just accept what you have. Use
the vertical (down) on the descent side of the wingover to gain energy and get back into position.
Be aggressive about getting the nose down on the acceleration phase, because you want to time it
so that you are in position by the time the formation is ready for the next pull. Do not come
barrelling into Lead when he starts his pull; his next turn may be into you and this could cause a
breakout situation. Lead has the option to do turns away or turns into at his discretion for area
orientation or weather avoidance. By the way, on the descent side of turns away, power
corrections show up fast, but in the opposite direction as the pullup. Gravity will assist you
instead of working against you. On the descent side as Two, use power at a rate that is with, to
slightly behind that required to be in position.
a. Procedures
(a) Start wingwork in the middle of the area, with a good energy state. Begin
by allowing the nose to accelerate to 190-200 knots. Raise the nose gently wings level until
approximately boots passing through the horizon, then begin your gentle bank in the desired
direction (make the first turn into Two and do not go to 90 degrees of bank; usually this is a
warmup turn).
(b) Execute four turns per side. Direct a Crossunder at the beginning of the
last turn away, then four on the opposite side.
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