c. Procedures. Not applicable.
d. Common Errors. Not applicable.
a. Description. The interval takeoff is done when weather/winds or runway conditions
prevent a Formation Takeoff. The interval takeoff will be done the same as in Primary. Lead
will give the same runup signals as the Formation Takeoff, but there will be no tapping of the
helmet or brake release signal. Wing will take five seconds' spacing and will execute his/her
own takeoff. Lead will comply with course rules and stay below weather until join up.
a. Description. The Fingertip position is the same as the Parade position flown in
Primary. Fingertip Formation is used for weather penetration, airdrome arrivals/departures, and
show formations.
b. General. In Fingertip, the Wingman always maintains a fixed position relative to
Lead regardless of the direction of turn. Wing will always rotate about Lead's longitudinal axis.
Turns into the Wingman are the same as in Primary. In turns away, maintain the Primary Parade
references. The key is to maintain the Fingertip checkpoints just as in straight and level flight in
either case. Fingertip Formation is always flown as if the formation is operating in the weather,
so it is incumbent on Lead to be smooth with power and attitude changes. During the T-38
FORM missions, practically all formation maneuvers will commence from Fingertip. In T-38
FORM there are no signals for climbs or descents or power changes. If Lead is flying a smooth
platform, any changes in power or aircraft attitude should be imperceptible to Two.
c. Procedures. Not applicable.
d. Common Errors
Not trimming the aircraft.
Gripping the controls too tightly, resulting in pilot-induced oscillations.
Overcorrecting with power changes.
a. Description. A position two ship-widths to approximately 500 feet out, level with
Lead, remaining on the assigned side of Lead (no undirected Crossunders). Wing will fly no
farther aft than the normal Fingertip line and no farther forward than line abreast. While in the
Route position, the Wingman will execute Echelon Turns during turns away and Route
references during turns into.
b. General. The Route position (Figure 5-1) may be utilized whenever flying in VMC
and the Fingertip position is not desired. The Route position is wider and more flexible than
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