Formal Release: You and your classmates will spend all day at the flightline (about 10-12
hours per day); you will all brief in a mass brief in the morning and you will all release at the end
of the day together; the end of the day is called "formal release."
FTU: Flying Training Unit - this is where you will transition to your weapon system after pilot
training, e.g. Dyess AFB (B-1)/Luke AFB (F-16)/Tyndall AFB (F-15).
Heading Crossing Angle (HCA): Same as AO.
High Six: A position above and behind Lead.
High Yo-Yo: An out-of-plane maneuver to control overtake, decrease AA, or prevent an
overshoot by increasing vertical turning room on the lead aircraft using a lag maneuver.
"Joker" Fuel: Prebriefed fuel state at which an event is terminated and the transition to the next
phase of flight begins, e.g. stop area work and proceed to landing pattern.
Lag Pursuit: Lag pursuit (nose behind the Lead) can build turning room and control overtake.
Although there can still be some closure, Angle-Off will increase and Aspect Angle will
decrease up to the Lead's flight path. Lag pursuit will appear like you are going to pass behind
Lead Pursuit: Lead pursuit (nose in front of Lead) decreased range towards Lead. Aspect
Angle and closure increase, Angle-Off decreases. Lead pursuit will appear like you are going to
pass in front of Lead.
Lift Vector: A line through the center of the fuselage perpendicular to the wings.
Line of Sight (LOS) Rate: Speed of apparent movement of another aircraft in relation to your
Low Yo-Yo:
An out-of-plane maneuver to create closure using lead and acceleration
No Joy: No visual contact with unfriendly aircraft (aircraft not in our formation); opposite of
term "tally."
Pure Pursuit: Pure pursuit (nose on the Lead) increases closure (but a more moderate rate than
lead pursuit). Aspect and Angle-Off remain the same. Pure pursuit will cause you to be on a
collision course with Lead.
Plane of Motion: An imaginary plane defined by the aircraft's flight path.
Radial G: The vector sum of the aircraft's lift vector and gravity.
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