formation is 90 degrees through the turn, the two aircraft are right behind each other. The
aircraft that is on the side opposite the turn direction will be temporarily responsible for flight
path deconfliction and setting formation spacing until the formation is rolled out on the new
heading, whether that aircraft is Lead or Wing.
The Shackle
The Shackle (Figure 6-9) is used to have both aircraft swap sides and end up in Tactical
Formation. The Shackle is commonly used by Flight Leads who want to reset the formation if
Two is having a hard time staying in position or if the flight is just coming out of a turn that has
put Two in an awkward position. The Shackle is a good way to reset the formation into a good
Tactical position.
Lead: "Knights, Shackle."
Wing: No response required.
Figure 6-9
The Shackle
Lead is responsible for heading; Two is responsible for flight path deconfliction. Flight path
deconfliction is critical during the Shackle since the Wingman plans to cross directly over/under
the Flight Lead. Two must make it obvious early in the turn whether he is going high or low. As
a technique, Two should make a bid high or low right away when Lead calls for the Shackle so
Lead knows right away which way Two is going. Both aircraft turn at the same time with Lead
making approximately 45 degrees of heading change and two aiming to cross directly over Lead;
both aircraft reverse the turn when crossing flight paths to resume the original heading in
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