a. Description
Combination Maneuvers, as the name implies, is nothing more than combining a series of
aerobatic maneuvers into a single evolution. A maximum of FOUR maneuvers may be "linked"
b. General
The aerobatic training you receive is NOT intended to prepare you for the airshow circuit! As
previously discussed, aerobatic training IS taught to allow you to make the aircraft perform
precise and controlled maneuvers, flying the aircraft throughout more of its envelope.
By combining maneuvers, you will need to plan ahead to the second maneuver while
completing the first half. As always, maintain a constant and vigilant VFR scan, especially
during the maneuvers.
Energy management should be a part of the discussion so as to plan maneuvers to maximize
aircraft airspeed/altitude, while staying within the assigned airspace. This should be a major
consideration for which maneuvers are linked together and in what order.
Example: One-Half Cuban YBarrel Roll Y Immelman Y Split-S
c. Procedures
Perform all maneuvers IAW the procedures previously set forth for the maneuvers you intend
to fly. The SNA shall pre-plan his Combination Maneuvers and thoroughly brief his/her
intentions to the IP during the pre-flight briefing. While modifications and variations are
authorized during the flight, the intent is that impromptu and non-briefed Combination
Maneuvers NOT be accomplished.
In the Air Force, you will always be departing and arriving on an IFR clearance; you are not
cleared to maneuver until in your block of the MOA, in VMC. Maintaining the boundaries of
the area is the bottom line in UPT and your IP will not allow you to go out of the area because
that will result in an IFR violation on his wings. If you have to knock off a maneuver to stay
within the boundaries of the area then so be it, you must not go out of the area. In T-38
Formation, you are going to go to either the RoseHill MOA or R2915A at Eglin. You will work
these areas in radial/DME and from 5-10K MSL. You can pick up visual references to work
over if you want, but the area is defined by specific Radial/DME and altitude and that is the
standard you will be held to. At AF UPT, go out of the area, and you can expect to UNSAT the
ride. The secret to maintaining an area boundary is determining the "meat" of the area. Some
areas are wider than they are long, meaning that they are better to work back and forth with
radials keeping a fairly constant DME, or they are longer then they are wide, namely, you can
work along a center radial dialed in the IND-350 CDI, and then work back and forth in DME.
Set up inner limits for yourself when working the area so that you do not go past the real
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