| ![]() CHAPTER 5
"Admin" is Air Force terminology for the outbound and inbound portions of the T-38 FORM
flight. Admin consists of the very basics of conducting Air Force formation, taking off,
recovering, and basic formations in and out of the area. Admin can be tailored to meet
individual mission requirements. Assume for example there is weather that has to be flown
through to and from the area. The admin brief will cover how we will take off, penetrate
weather, get out and back from the area and how we will recover. Another term for briefing the
Admin portion of the flight is to brief the "motherhood."
Ground procedures in T-38 FORM will be similar to the ground procedures in Primary
Formation. The attitude of aggressiveness starts on the ground; both flight members will do
everything they can to look good and sound good on the ground. Taxiing out to the runup will
be standard from Primary. Once in the runup check your flightmate's aircraft out for panels
secure, etc., but do it silently, there is no "Wingman in position, area clear," but do exchange a
thumbs up (initiated by Two) to confirm all flight members are ready. Once you are ready to
send Two to Sandbag, give the preparatory signal of tapping the helmet, then give the signal for
switching to the briefed frequency (Sandbag, 342.8) (in formation, a briefed manual frequency is
signaled by a closed fist; the signal looks like the Crossunder signal in Primary Forms). Check
in Two, make your call to Sandbag just like you did in Primary, then send Two to channel one.
Check in Two, then coordinate to taxi to the approach end of the active runway for a formation
takeoff (say "Section takeoff" so the tower understands).
"North Ground, 3E123 flight of two in the runup would like to taxi to the approach end of
runway XX for a section takeoff."
Once approved, taxi to the approach end of the active runway. Look good in formation on the
ground; Lead looks for ways to do this. When taxiing to the approach end, offset to one side of
the taxiway so that Two can offset opposite. Wing's job is to mirror whatever Lead does, if Lead
offsets three feet left of the yellow taxi line, then you offset three feet to the right, etc. Once at
the approach end holdshort line, make the call: "North Tower, 3E123 and flight, holding short
approach end of runway XX for a section takeoff require full-length." Once cleared for takeoff,
Lead makes the call "Tower say winds" if they have not made a wind call with your takeoff
clearance, now Lead picks the appropriate side of the runway and takes his half (Wingman
placed on the upwind side). If winds are calm, then place Two on the inside of the turn out of
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