| ![]() CHAPTER 2
Your Air Force Precision Aerobatics (APA) flight will be your first exposure to the Air Force
T-38 Intermediate syllabus. This flight will be briefed in the Air Force standup format. The
flight will be conducted in either the Rosehill MOA, Restricted Area R2915A, or some
Radial/DME/Altitude block you and your instructor come up with prior to takeoff. You will be
introduced to maintaining this area in Radial/DME and Altitude and how to adjust inflight
accordingly. The flight will be conducted using the O2 mask and "hot mic." Ground Ops and
Runup will be Whiting standard. You will coordinate for, taxi to, and will take off from the
departure end of the active runway. This will expose you to the full-length Formation Takeoff.
You will approach the 700-800 feet level off quicker than you are used to, but you still cannot
climb above 700-800 until clear of the pattern. After takeoff, you will fly a primary simulated
instrument Departure Procedure in the intended direction of your work area. Going to Rosehill
MOA/R2915A, plan to fly the Resolute One Departure. Once established in the area, you will
"fence-in." All tactical aircraft do a "fence check" as they check into the operating airspace.
Items in a fence check include arming chaff and flares, weapons, etc. In the T-34, we will
simply do the Pre-aerobatic Checklist. The next item you will do on every sortie from now on is
the G-awareness exercise. After the G-awareness exercise, your IP will demonstrate the Anti-G
Straining Maneuver (AGSM) and the Wingwork. After that, you will learn the Cloverleaf and
combination maneuvers, all the while, practicing staying in the area. When the area work is
done, plan to go to Duke Field for Air Force patterns followed by RTB to Whiting via an
instrument approach to a full stop, which you will coordinate and execute.
Every Air Force fighter and trainer aircraft does a G-awareness exercise before they start
maneuvering. By regulation, any sortie that will require over 4 Gs to be pulled, requires a G-
awareness exercise. The intent behind the G-awareness exercise is to do two 180 turns, the first
is a "G-warmup" pulling 3-4 Gs while practicing the AGSM, working on muscle flexing, and
breathing. Your IP will be listening and critiquing your breathing. Remember, do not breathe
too fast, and do not hold your breath too long either, use 2 - 3 seconds between quick exchanges.
One technique is to count "one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, (exchange
air)." The second turn is the actual "G-awareness turn" and will be more like the G you are
going to pull during the sortie. Make a good sustained 4 G turn, working the AGSM under some
G, getting the heart pumping and the blood flowing. The G-awareness exercise is a good
opportunity to assess how your G-tolerance is that day (it changes from day to day) and practice
your AGSM before you get into higher G-levels. If you need another G-awareness turn, then by
all means speak up; your life depends on it.
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