If any "Knock-it-Off " or "Terminate" is called
Knock-it-Off is called for safety, area border, traffic, etc.
(Any flight member): <Tactical call sign> Knock-it-Off.
Lead: <Tactical call sign> One knock-it-off.
Wing: <Tactical call sign> Two knock-it-off.
<Tactical call sign> Two, traffic north 3 miles level (for example).
Keep repeating the sequence until it is done right. If DLOs are met, replace "KIO" with
Going extended trail
Lead: <Tactical call sign> go extended trail.
Wing: Two.
Wing: (in position): <Tactical call sign> Two's in.
Before departing any area
Lead: <Tactical call sign> Fence-out/Ops check.
Wing: Two.
After sufficient time for Wing to do Ops check
<Tactical call sign> Ops check, <Tactical call sign> One is Bingo plus 1.0 (for
Wing: <Tactical call sign> Two is Bingo plus 1.0 (Wing repeats in format that Lead used).
Leaving the Rosehill MOA (IP only)
Lead: Cairnes Approach, 3EXXX and flight departing Rosehill, cancel radar advisories, thanks
for your help.
Cairnes Approach: Roger, 3EXXX, squawk VFR, frequency change approved.
-If RTB to NSE from Rosehill:
Lead: <Tactical call sign> sweep ATIS, go channel 5 (this means get current NSE ATIS and
meet on Channel 5).
Wing: Two.
-If going to Florala from Rosehill:
Lead: <Tactical call sign> fade in, go 333.35 Uniform, 123.0 Victor.
Wing: Two (This is the signal for both flight members to turn up their UHF volumes.).
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