| ![]() CHAPTER 6
(b) After the Wingman acknowledges the call, "Two," simultaneously begin a
level 2 G/60- degree angle of bank turn away from the Wingman and reset power to 1015 ft-lbs
(c) Continue the turn until Wingman calls "Knight Two's in," begin the
Extended Trail maneuvering. Do not maneuver until the Wingman calls in.
Immediately acknowledge Lead's call to "go Extended Trail."..... "Two"
(b) Delay 5 seconds, set 1015 ft-lbs and turn to follow Lead. You should
initially find yourself in a position with 500 - 1000 feet of spacing. Use lead pursuit to attain 300
- 500 feet of spacing. Once in position and ready to maneuver call "Knight Two's in."
Tactical Formation is the basic combat formation for fighter aircraft. Tactical Formation
allows flexibility, good visual lookout, and maneuverability for the Two-Ship Formation. Not
unlike other formations that you have learned thus far, each member of the flight has roles and
responsibilities in Tactical Formation. Tactical Formation is going to be the last thing you learn
in T-38 FORM Area Work; you will then take all your formation training and actually apply this
training in the last two rides of the AF Intermediate syllabus,T-38 Low Tac.
Send the flight to Tactical when VMC can be maintained for an extended period of time.
Lead: "Knights go Tactical" (it is a good idea for Lead to give a "reference heading" if a
long drive is anticipated).
Wing: "Two."
Flying Tactical Formation on the wing is a lot easier than flying Wing in other formations. In
Tactical, Wing has more time to get cockpit duties done, execute visual lookout procedures, get
ready for the next phase of the flight, etc.
Wing will slide out to the Tactical position by moving out, co-airspeed to the Tactical position,
until the references are met. Wing can use power as required to get to and to maintain position.
Tactical Contract
The Tactical position for the T-34 is defined as Two being line abreast, 1200-1800 feet in
horizontal separation, stacked either high or low off of Lead. At low altitude, Two will fly above
Lead at all times, keeping the lead aircraft on or below the horizon. Lead will maintain 150
knots as a Tactical "contract" at high altitude, using 1015 ft-lbs and pulling G to maintain 150
knots in turns. At low altitude Lead will use power as required to hold 180 knots ground speed,
pulling G in turns as necessary to maintain 180 knots with 1015 ft-lbs torque set. Lead should
strive to maintain altitude in turns, unless a climb or descent is necessary for area orientation or
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