Lead. As Lead, maintain a straight track down the center of your side of the runway. At 60
KIAS begin to apply smooth back stick pressure to effect rotation to the takeoff attitude (cowl
seam on the horizon) no earlier than 80 knots. As Lead, your goal is to allow 4 to 5 seconds for
complete nose strut extension. This slow rotation rate will provide time for wing to observe nose
strut extension and match Lead's rate of rotation. Once both aircraft are safely airborne, check
the fuel caps, give the gear up signal, and retract the gear. The preparatory signal for gear
retraction is to lower your head (chin toward chest) and place your hand on the gear handle.
Verify airspeed below 120 KIAS (ideally less than 110 KIAS to allow Wing a few extra knots).
Execute gear retraction by simultaneously raising your head up and back (exaggerated motion)
and raise the gear handle. After takeoff and gear retraction, look over to Wing and verify his
gear appears up and locked. Once the Wingman is in position, Lead will reset power as
appropriate for the departure (850 ft-lbs maximum).
Depending on the wind conditions at takeoff, your Wingman
may be in either a left or right Parade position. If you want your
Wingman on a specific side, you may reposition him with a
crossunder once established on the departure and above 300 feet
If the crosswind component exceeds 10 knots, a five-second
interval takeoff will be made. Use caution during takeoff in gusty
conditions for rapidly changing wind direction and velocity. Use
timely corrections to maintain directional control and ensure
aircraft separation.
Wing. Early detection and correction for changes in relative motion are the keys to performing a
section takeoff. Wing maintains position down the runway by adjusting power to control bearing
and rudder to maintain wingtip separation. If Wing goes acute immediately after takeoff roll, he
may lightly tap the brakes one time. Take care not to "ride" the brakes and apply excessive
pressure during the section takeoff roll.
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