Figure 7-3 The Cruise Position
The goal of Cruise for Wing is to use radius-of-turn and pursuit curve principles to maintain the
defined stepdown, bearing line, and relative closeness without adjusting power. Wing will only
use power as a last resort to regain position. If Wing gets out of position in either turns or
straight and level, he will correct position by fixing stepdown first, then offset, and finally
relative closeness. Wing should strive to maintain the 45 bearing line, but may slide to the left
or right side as required to maintain position.
Cruise Turns Into. The goal for Wing on turns into is to maintain stepdown and proper nose-
to-tail separation. Wing will initially need to maneuver to Lead's tail momentarily (lag pursuit)
to prevent closing on Lead, and then should maneuver to the inside of Lead's turn (lead pursuit)
to hold position. Once established in the turn, lead and lag are used as required to maintain
position. Too long of a delay in the initial lag can result in the Wingman being "spit out" of the
turn. Lead's rate of roll will determine whether a slight lag outside or an expeditious roll to
inside of Lead's turn will be required. A good reference for turns-into is to line up Lead's
horizontal stabilizer with the red line portion of the star on Lead's fuselage (Figure 7-4).
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