If Wing is behind the bearing line or "sucked," Lead's vertical stabilizer will be inboard of the
wingtip (Figure 3-34). Being "sucked" is caused by Wing holding too shallow of an AOB and
will result in insufficient closure. In this case, Wing should correct back to the 60 bearing line
by increasing bank angle a small amount.
Increase AOB
Figure 3-34 "Sucked" During Breakup and Rendezvous
Overall, the Wing's goal should be to hold Lead on the horizon and manage the 60 bearing line
and airspeed by recognizing deviations early and making small corrections to altitude, AOB, and
torque as required. Wing shall not use more than 150 KIAS for the rendezvous unless hung on
the bearing.
As Wing approaches Lead on the 60 bearing line, Wing will see more detail on Lead's
opposite wing (rivets, aileron hinges, etc.). Wing should look to place the fuel cap on the
opposite wing above the UHF antenna or dot the UHF antenna with the fuel cap. Wing needs to
monitor closure because as Wing approaches Lead, any corrections to angle of bank will take
effect quickly. If Wing becomes "hung" on the bearing line and airspeed is 150 KIAS, it is
acceptable to add a small amount of power (25-50 ft-lbs).
The joinup phase of the rendezvous begins at the point where a T-34C wingspan will no
longer fit between Wing and Lead. The joinup phase should be at a slow and controlled rate of
motion (i.e., Wing should close at a walking pace and be able to stop and freeze the aircraft at
any point). If closure is slightly fast (running pace), Wing may need to begin the joinup phase
early (two wingspans out). Execute the joinup phase by simultaneously:
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