The solo flight is designed to build confidence in the student's ability to combine solo flight with
the knowledge and techniques acquired during the formation stage. The formation solo flight
should be one of the most rewarding flights performed during Primary training if conducted with
strict adherence to safety, procedures, and course rules.
The safe-for-solo formation check will be conducted in the same manner as a normal syllabus
flight, completing the departure, area work, and recovery phases. If not already completed on a
previous sortie, the flight will be broken up into separate aircraft to conduct the individual safe-
for-solo requirements. As in any safe-for-solo check, the student is responsible for knowledge of
aircraft limitations, formation procedures, emergency procedures, and course rules. The student
will be expected to demonstrate consistency and safety in landings and emergency procedures
prior to being signed off safe-for-solo. Once the individual aircraft items are complete, the IPs
will rejoin the formation. The flight will resume at the point at which the normal sequence was
402. SOLO FLIGHT (F4401)
The solo flight will consist of either two solos flying as the section with a third aircraft as the IP
chase/safety observer, or one student flying on the wing of an IP platform. Emphasis will be
placed on safety! Apply the safety rules learned during your training (underrun, stepdown).
Division Solo. This format will consist of two student solos and an instructor chase aircraft.
The solo chase is along to ensure adherence to safety procedures, course rules, and the proper
conduct of the mission. The chase pilot will be maneuvering to various vantage points to
observe the section, so solo students should conduct the sortie as if there were only two aircraft
in the formation. Cruise formation and 45 AOB parade turns will not be flown in the division
solo flight. If you have any safety concerns during this sortie, use your training up to this point
to make the right decision (i.e., underrun if necessary during breakup and rendezvous). Students
should continue to use hand signals to communicate. Stay off the radios unless it is necessary to
clarify something or for safety of flight (i.e., traffic, confusion, or an emergency situation arises).
Remember to monitor your engine instruments, fuel state, and trim the aircraft. Follow
instructions from the Chase pilot when directed, remain alert, and above all, BE SAFE!
Section Solo Format. The other option for the formation solo is to have a solo student fly on the
wing of an IP platform. The profile for the solo flight will include the departure to the working
area, parade profile, and then return to base. As with the division flight, the key is to be safe and
conservative during this mission.
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