Wing now must use the concepts of radius of turn, bearing lines, and pursuit curves to
effect closure and complete the rendezvous. The goal for Wing is to hold Lead on the horizon,
maneuver on the 60 bearing line until within one wingspan of Lead, and then execute the join-
up phase.
In terms of power, Wing will ensure 150 KIAS is set prior to the wing flash and beginning of the
rendezvous. After the wing flash, Wing will concentrate on maintaining the 60 bearing line and
closure rate relative to Lead's aircraft. Wing will not change power until:
The join-up phase begins.
An underrun is required.
'Hung" or "stuck" on the bearing line as a result of airspeed deviations.
In terms of altitude, Wing must hold Lead on the horizon throughout the rendezvous. If Lead's
aircraft is below the horizon, Wing is high and should descend slightly to put Lead on the
horizon. If Lead's aircraft is above the horizon (a large amount of sky between Lead's aircraft
and the horizon), Wing is low and should climb slightly to put Lead on the horizon. If the
horizon is not clear (i.e., haze during the summer), center Lead's opposite wingtip on the tip of
the vertical stabilizer to set altitude. If Wing does not maintain altitude (i.e., climbs and
descends during rendezvous), Wing's airspeed will change requiring an adjustment to torque,
making it more difficult to maintain the bearing line.
In terms of bearing line, Wing must adjust his angle of bank to maintain the 60 bearing line and
create closure towards Lead. The secret to the rendezvous portion is to hold Lead's vertical
stabilizer on the opposite wingtip; this will manage both bearing line and closure. As Wing
approaches Lead (within three wingspans), the closure should be at a "walking speed."
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