Hold this attitude until the aircraft departs controlled flight, characterized by a
rapid roll to the left.
vii. IUT will assume control of the aircraft and recover in accordance with OCF
Recovery Procedures.
The Standardization Instructor will raise the flap handle as the
aircraft departs.
Care must be taken not to overspeed the flaps and/or landing gear.
Spiral Demo
Discussion: This maneuver is demonstrated by the Standardization Instructor to
familiarize the IUT with the cockpit indications and flight characteristics of a spiral in
the T-34C. During the maneuver, the Standardization Instructor will execute Normal
Spin Entry Procedures up to the point of stall. Immediately after the stall, full rudder
and full back stick shall be applied. As the aircraft enters the post-stall gyration 3/4
(and up to full) aileron will be applied in the direction of spiral with stick slightly
forward of neutral. The aircraft will do a "Barrel Roll" type entry and initially "feel"
like a spin. Altitude, AOA, airspeed, and turn needle are scanned to differentiate
between a spin and a spiral and are called out by the IUT. Airspeed will continue to
build unless OCF Recovery Procedures are initiated. The Standardization Instructor
should maintain pro-spiral control inputs until the airspeed reaches at least 120 knots
(no greater than 150 knots) to allow the IUT ample opportunity to recognize the
aircraft is not in a Steady-State Spin. If the maneuver is performed to the left, the
AOA will be fully pegged (if performed to the right, AOA will indicate
approximately 20 units) and the turn needle pegged in the direction of rotation,
strongly resembling a Steady-State Spin. However, the airspeed will accelerate
rapidly through 80 - 100 knots. Minimum entry altitude for the Spiral Demo is 9000
feet AGL and OCF recovery will be initiated by 7000 feet AGL or 150 knots,
whichever occurs first. Test pilots have found that rates of descent associated with a
spiral can be as high as 27,000 fpm. The aircraft will typically recover within 1/4
turn, once OCF recovery inputs are initiated.
Perform procedures to enter a normal erect spin to the left.
As the aircraft begins the "Barrel Roll" departure to the left, feed in 3/4 left
aileron and position stick slightly forward of neutral while maintaining full left
rudder deflection.
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