Prior to any turns, slow the aircraft down. Otherwise the turn radius will be exaggerated.
Excessive speeds in a turn may cause a hazardous situation. An uncontrollable swerve and
possibly a ground loop is a real possibility. Very sharp turns or fast turns exert excessive strain
on tires and landing gear.
When taxiing at normal speeds during no-wind conditions, the aileron and elevator have little or
no effect on directional control. The rudder is the primary directional control to taxi. Steering
with the pedals is possible by slipstream forces acting on the empennage (tail). When taxiing
crosswind, the aircraft has a normal tendency to "weathervane" or "weathercock" into the wind.
This is caused by the wind striking the tail surface, which has a long moment arm from the
center of the turn radius. The wind forces the tail of the aircraft downwind, which turns the nose
into the wind. Deflecting the aileron into the wind will help to minimize this tendency by
spilling the air from under the wing.
Initially, taxiing the T-34C may be a humbling experience. It will take coordinated use of
power, BETA, rudder, and moderate brake pressure to properly maintain directional control and
speed simultaneously. The feet should be positioned with the arches placed on the rudder pedals
and the toes near but not quite touching the brake portion of the pedals. This permits the
simultaneous application of rudder and brake whenever needed. Avoid tensing the feet and
riding the brakes. The brakes are used primarily to stop the airplane, slow it down and augment
the turn as necessary. When applying the brakes, use a smooth, even application. When
initiating forward movement, power slightly greater than idle may be required. To turn in
confined quarters, additional power may also be necessary, as you will need the inboard brake to
shorten the turn radius.
A normal turn is initiated by applying full rudder in the direction of turn augmenting with brake
as necessary. Lead the rollout with opposite rudder and corresponding brake. Stop the aircraft
using BETA and brakes. Return the PCL to IDLE after coming to a complete stop. On wet
surfaces, braking action will be poor; therefore, extreme care should be used to avoid locking
one brake. If, at any time, brake action is not effective, maintain directional control with rudders
and remaining brake. Use BETA to aid in deceleration, signal for chocks and follow the
NATOPS Emergency procedures.
Taxiways have a single, yellow line painted down the middle. Taxi with the nose wheel on this
line. This will ensure a safe taxi clearance from fixed objects such as buildings. However, total
responsibility for obstruction clearance still rests with the pilot.
During all taxi operations, aircraft in the line area shall use the
appropriate yellow line.
Runup areas will be in accordance with local course rules. Taxi into the runup area and stop the
aircraft with the nose wheel pointed straight ahead. The runup will normally be made in
accordance with local course rules.
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