been corrected and signed off by a maintenance supervisor. The pink copy of the
MAF is retained in the book, indicating that maintenance is outstanding, but the
aircraft is certified for flight. This is referred to as an "outstanding" gripe.
Preflight. Conduct a thorough and complete preflight. If you note any discrepancies,
call a troubleshooter. Do not just ask a lineman. He is not qualified to make any
judgments as to airworthiness. If any doubt exists, check with a flight instructor.
Before you depart on any solo it is of utmost importance to secure the rear cockpit.
Securing the rear cockpit. Secure the rear cockpit in accordance with NATOPS and
the Solo Flight Checklist located in the rear cockpit. Ensure that the parachute is
facing forward to prevent pin damage and that the parachute straps and harness are
fastened and secured with the inertial reel locked. Be certain that the parachute
cannot fall forward during flight and jam the controls. Check all cockpit lights off
and all switches off. Ensure that the battery switch is on and that inverter #2 is
selected. Check all circuit breakers set. Check for loose objects and finally close and
lock the rear canopy.
Start, taxi, and runup. It is recommended that you read the checklists out loud as if
your instructor were with you. This will reduce your chances of omitting an item on
the checklist. While taxiing, keep your head "on a swivel." You are solely
responsible for the safety of the aircraft and a good "See-and-Avoid" doctrine is
imperative, both on the ground and in the air. You also need to pay attention to radio
transmissions, especially those that begin with your call sign. If problems should
arise during the runup phase, do not hesitate to ask the FDO/ODO for assistance.
You should know the areas available (hot spots) for minor repairs in case you have to
avail yourself of these.
2. Takeoff and Flight. Prior to taking the active, ensure you have clearance to do so. Read
back the appropriate response as required. Even before this, you should have already thought out
the Takeoff and Departure procedures to ensure a smooth evolution.
Remember, you will be by yourself for the first time, and naturally you will be a little more
relaxed and start hearing more than you have before. So, if you start hearing noises, pause for a
few seconds and look for a cause. Is the canopy fully closed; is something loose in the cockpit?
Check your gauges. Check the aircraft configuration again. Aircraft performance in hot weather
is not up to standard at times. If you feel the aircraft is not performing as it should, check to see
if the gear and flaps are up before making any conclusions. If you have any doubts, return the
aircraft to the duty runway.
Restrictions. You may not make a full-stop landing at an OLF unless directed by the
RDO, or if weather or an emergency makes it necessary. If you must make a full-stop
landing at an OLF, remember that you are responsible for the aircraft until either you
return it to home field, or you are relieved of responsibility by a maintenance or
instructor pilot. Ensure you are properly chocked before shutting down. Perform a
proper postflight before leaving the aircraft and close the canopy if rain is anticipated.
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