comprehensive description of the trouble on the Maintenance Action Form (MAF).
Each pilot, in signing the aircraft acceptance form ("A-Sheet") prior to the flight, acknowledges
acceptance of the aircraft in a satisfactory, safe-for-flight condition. He should always keep in
mind that mistakes are sometimes made even by the most competent mechanics. The pilot must,
therefore, make his inspection accordingly. Under no circumstances is a pilot required to
accept an airplane unless it is satisfactory for flight operations in all respects.
Regardless of the number of items you check on a preflight, you will forget something unless
you follow a systematic pattern each time. For this reason, the Preflight procedure published in
NATOPS shall be used by all pilots.
Procedures. As you approach your aircraft, notice its position and the position of adjacent
aircraft in relation to the yellow parking spots. An aircraft parked too far off the spots may have
insufficient taxi clearance. Also note the position of fire bottles and other obstructions in relation
to the path of your aircraft as you leave the chocks. Although a signalman will taxi you out, you
have the final responsibility to see that the aircraft clears all obstructions. Climb up on the port
wing, place your helmet on the starboard canopy rail and connect your radio cords and oxygen
hose. You are now ready to commence the preflight inspection in accordance with section III of
the T-34C NATOPS and will be expected to know nomenclature for all visible aircraft and
engine components. Notify the other crew member of any problem areas discovered during the
preflight inspection and if any corrective action has been taken/initiated, if necessary.
Common Errors
Taking too much time. Do not rush, but by the same token, move along.
Pushing/pulling on the trim tabs, static wicks. Check, using only a slight amount of
Description. N/A
General. Upon completion of the preflight inspection, your instructor will show you how
to enter the cockpit (take care not to step on the canopy rail). Don your parachute, fasten and
adjust the harness to ensure a snug fit.
Each time you fly, your seat position should be the same. The seat adjustment lever is located on
the starboard side of the seat. When sitting straight in the seat, line up the front edge of the
instrument glare shield with the upper part of the instrument panel, so that the warning lights are
just visible. If not, lower the seat to obtain the proper clearance. Once the seat is properly
adjusted, secure the shoulder harness and lap belt. Adjust the rudder pedals so that you can get
full forward throw of either pedal with the corresponding brake fully depressed without locking
your knees.
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