| ![]() T-34C CONTACT
The instructor should provide a basis for comparison of control pressures and rates of
response. While in cruise flight at cruise airspeed, the student should use rudder, aileron
and elevator and note the pressure applied and the response rate. Transition to the landing
approach configuration.
Then, while maintaining heading and altitude, reduce power to 400 ft-lbs., slowing the
aircraft to 25-26 units AOA. As speed is reduced, a change in pitch attitude is needed in
order to maintain altitude. There will be a point at which pitch change alone does not
increase lift to the point that altitude can be maintained. Power must be added
(approximately 475-500 ft-lbs.)
When properly trimmed and on airspeed, the student should recognize that the aircraft is
close to operating limits; sight, sound and feel give the clues. The pitch attitude of the
nose, the angle of the wingtips in reference to the horizon, the sound of the engine
compared to the lack of wind noise, and the lessened resistance to control pressures and the
need of elevator and rudder trim, all indicate to the pilot that the aircraft is at a low
Now apply aileron, elevator, and rudder pressures and note the response. Everything still
affects the aircraft the same way, except that greater control movement is needed to
produce the same rates of response that were obtained at cruise speed. Now roll smoothly
in a medium banked turn. This is done to show that the aircraft is maneuverable even at
low airspeed. The medium bank results in a high rate (small radius) of turn at this low
airspeed and an increase in angle of attack. It will seem that the aircraft is almost pivoting
over a point on the ground. Notice that a steep bank is not needed in order to obtain a high
rate of turn when operating at low airspeeds.
The turn made at medium bank is also used to demonstrate that a level turn does increase
stall speed (and AOA) and, unless power is added, a stall will occur soon after the turn is
established. When the first indication of stall is felt, recognize the stall indication, and
gently recover by rolling out of the turn (add power if necessary). To complete the
maneuver, perform a level acceleration to normal cruise.
CONFIGURATION: Trim the aircraft for 90 KIAS level flight in the landing
approach configuration. Turn landing lights on.
CHECKLIST: Perform the Stall Checklist aloud to your instructor.
CLEARING TURN: Conduct a level clearing turn for a minimum of 180.
Reduce power to 400 ft-lbs. torque. Maintain altitude. Retrim.
Reset power to stabilize aircraft at 25-26 units AOA (approximately 475-500 ft-lbs.)
and retrim. Rudder shakers (stall warning) will activate at 26 + units AOA.
Anticipate full deflection of rudder trim.
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