To adjust the angle of bank through the approach, use the 90-degree position as a
reference in order to fly a normal pattern.
For an overshooting crosswind, the angle of bank used from the180 position to the
90 position will be less than normal. Conversely, from the 90 position to final,
more angle of bank will be used. The reason for this is that initially the wind will be
"helping" the aircraft travel towards final and less "turn" will be necessary. Past the
90 position, the wind will tend to displace the aircraft outside the desired path over
ground. Higher angle of bank here will "turn" the aircraft back towards the desired
path over ground. In an overshooting condition, power reductions through the
approach have to be greater to achieve the proper rate of descent relative to the rate of
closure to the landing line.
For an undershooting crosswind, the angle of bank used from the180 position to the
90 position will be higher than normal. Since the wind will appear to slow the rate at
which the aircraft travels towards final, it will require more "turn" to fly towards final
initially. Past the 90 the aircraft will be heading in the opposite direction, and the
wind will appear to displace the aircraft back towards the 180. Less "turn" or angle
of bank here should overcome this tendency to drift inside the desired path over
ground. Here it is critical to have patience to establish the aircraft with 1200-1500
feet of straightaway rather than aiming for the end of the runway. In an
undershooting condition, power reductions through the approach have to be made at a
slower rate to achieve the proper rate of descent relative to the rate of closure to the
landing line. Remember, fly the same path over ground.
The principles stated for flying the crosswind approach are not hard-and-fast rules.
Adjust your power and angle of bank as necessary to fly the normal racetrack pattern.
Rapid changes in wind direction and velocity are often associated with crosswind
conditions. Any time you go low, add power, and adjust nose attitude for airspeed
control. Any time you are uncomfortable, WAVE OFF.
Maintain proper wingtip distance downwind with crab.
Adjust power and AOB to fly normal approach.
Overshooting crosswind
Power settings may be lower than normal after the 180 position due to a
faster ground speed requiring a higher rate of descent.
AOB will be shallow during first part of approach and will steepen
approaching the 90 position. Adjust AOB as necessary (30 AOB
maximum) to intercept landing line.
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